By Marie Marthe Saint Cyr | Executive Director
At the beginning of 2018, we had committment from 8 organizations to plant 406,000 trees in their respective communities. For them and for Haiti, it is one of the entrées in the course of activities that will be essential for future growth in Haiti. Today we seek to draw national attention to what should be obvious to everyone and anyone: The state of the envronment in Haiti.
We are diligently working to do our share and want to remind everyone that it is possible together to save the environment in Haiti.
Org. Name Project Planting Trees Planted
Goal so far
AFTA Credit 20,000 15, 397
COPADET Oxplow-credit fund 20,000 11,321
SADN Reforestation 40,000 26,000
KOKAP Coffee and Cacao 120,000 60,000
APTK Reforestation 60,000 40,000
KPM Reforestation 60,000 65,000
OPDERGM Credit Fund 20,000 16,020
OPGDSC Mango Production 66,000 30,725
TOTAL 406,000 264,463
The goal to plant 406,000 trees is probably the most important goal of the year. You might ask well why not a mill for food production when food insecurity is increasing? Why not the storage of grain for the same problem of production and need for food? Why not simply provide supplies and demand, factors at a the time of increasing climatic events that threatens production?
Realistically, all these goals are dependent on our environment. Improvement in soil retention, increasing green cover and reforestation are critical needs amid that of food security and the survival of 10 million on an island of 27,500 square miles. Without an improved environment, we stand to starve, thirst for more water and die in large numbers with the natural events, disease and exposure.
Are we going to far to think that way? I think not. Planting trees is a serious task for all of us and our partners. We are encouraged that you have embraced our goal and help us make it a reality. Trees are life as much as water is life!
Thank you for your support!
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