By Karen Ashmore | Project Leader
The Lambi Fund of Haiti continues to accompany several organizations in the Southern and Artibonit Departments in Haiti that want to do something a about environmental degradation and are looking for ways to take some action to help them deal with the problem.
It has been more than a year since the Lambi Fund committed to 17 Organizations as part of a reforestation program to produce 540,000 seedlings in 2 years.
Lambi provided these Organizations with the financial and technical means to help them achieve this program. The organizations had the opportunity to purchase the agricultural inputs needed to start the program but also find agricultural technicians to train them and frame them in the seedling production process until the time of transplanting them into their fields.
The first group of these organizations started the program in 2021 and have already produced 301,180 seedlings out of the 400,000 they plan to produce. 85% of the productions (256,595 seedlings), have already been distributed to about 4,500 members of these organizations and others in their communities. The seedlings produced allow them to protect already about 3,000 hectares of land. As we all know, trees help prevent flooding and destruction of agriculture caused by weather related catastrophes. So the program is already making a big difference and there is more to come.
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