By Marie Marthe Saint Cyr | Executive Director
Planting trees, the greening of Haiti is not a time limited activity. From 2006 sinceThe Lambi Fund of Haiti decided to address the issue of deforestation in Haiti, we embrace the process knowing it is going to be for decades. We believe the environment in Haiti can be remedied but it will take a responsible government, increased awareness of the importance of the environment and climate changes; and committment from everyone including our global partners.
It is not only an instance for each one to do its share, it is more proof that we are in one world no matter where we are located. For that reason alone, each one of our donor is an active participant in the creation of that change. This is a year when the people of Haiti who are participants in our funded projected successfully planted 461,104 trees reaching 88.73% of the goal of 520,00 inspite of the worst drought Haiti has seen in 35 years.
We believe that Haiti can make this change effectively, we also know it will take collaboration, investment in humanity and reforrestation.
Organization Type of project Goal Produced/planted
Region Latibonit
MOTAB Goat Breeding 20,000 22,000
APEAG Goat Breeding 20,000 22,700
MOPDAD Integrated project 20,000 19,500
MPC Environment 60,000 60,000
OPEMO Irrigation, farm credit fund 20,000 17,800
APKB* Irrigation, farm credit fund 20,000 23,140
AGPK Reinforce existing fund 20,000 21,604
OFARIB Reinforce existing fund 20,000 19,500
Region South
GWOFAMIL Ox-Plow /credit 20,000 22,010
UPLADEP Goat Breeding 20,000 17,000
OPDTM Goat Breeding 20,000 21,285
MOPPAD Environment 120,000 121,268
OBS Mill 20,000 16,297
SADN Environment 120,000 57,000
Total 520,000 461,104
The amazing component is the increase awareness that makes a young one craddle a little plant found growing on the edge of a ditch , the coalition building and collaboration to keep plants alive during the drought was the work of hundreds of volunteer in the respective neighborhoods. As we thank you ,we thank them for assuming their responsible citizenship.
As we reforrest using a method of agro-forestry, we plant species that are familiar to the area and species at risk. We also plant many fruits trees that will bring nutrition to the areas where planted and produce some revenue. Such projects like the replacement of colonial coffee plants, not only regenerate the plants but also increase the volume produced, thus the revenue of the farmers. We train an average of 30 individuals per project who work in the nursery preparation, maintenance and the debt.
You have helped us reach the dream of a lifetime. We thank you for your help! Join us to make planting trees in 2016 a reality!
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