Little by Little For Vocational Education

by PygmySurvival Alliance
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education
Little by Little For Vocational Education

Project Report | Nov 12, 2021
53831 Cyaruzinge progress summer and fall 2021

By Perrilee Pizzini | Project Leader

November Update
November Update

One of the young women who attended seamstress training and the two young men in vocational training to become welders have finished their school training and have now been placed in internships, securing their training to employment. All of this has been made possible by the generous gifts of the PSA donors. We also have a new vocational student for seamstresses training who started last week.  

68 Cyaruzinge children, age 7 to 12, are attending primary school. Rwanda has a new requirement for school children. The fee to feed them lunch has to be paid quarterly for them to attend. This is a good requirement, but many of the families do not have the money. PSA has agreed to subsidize the families who don’t have the funds. This will ensure the children will be fed and go to school, a double win.

Cyaruzinge also has three students in 9 Program (High School), two girls and one boy. PSA donors have supported these children. Thank You, these children are the near future of the community. 

Because of your donations, we are able to advance the help to educate the children and young adults in the Cyaruzinge. 

Bampire, now a young woman in the Cyaruzinge Village, Graduated from high school and went on to business school training. A PSA donor believed that education of one would change the poverty of the Batwa community. Bampire is now back in the community using the education she achieved. She is now the woman in charge of the newly built kitchen, using her skills to keep financial records and to operate the complicated feeding of 105 Irerero preschool children and the neediest of the primary school children. 

Feeding over 100 people is a big undertaking. The two cooks purchase the supplies needed to feed portage before school every day. They are busy preparing the porridge, feeding the preschoolers, and cleaning up afterward. These daily tasks include keeping the exterior of the kitchen tidy for ongoing drop-in government officials looking to create a similar government program for the many malnourished Rwandan preschool-aged children. Thank You to all of you PSA donors who funded the build a kitchen project.

In Kigali, Rwanda much of the summer of 2021 had strict lock-down rules, due to COVID-19. These mandates were very difficult for the Cyaruzinge community. Thanks to all of you who were able to contribute to providing food for the Cyaruzinge community. Things are much better now because they were fed during the pre vaccine’s arriving in Kigali struggles. People are back to work, the children are going to school. 

The land that has been purchased for the building of the Cultural and basic Education has been planted in beans and cassava (yucca) as it waits for the next steps in the building. The old women in the village took on the cultivation of the ground, PSA gave them chicken manure, as it has fewer insects embedded in it that will damage the crops. Thank you donators for supplying the cost of manure and seeds.    

One of the young women who attended seamstress training and the two young men in vocational training to become welders have finished their school training and have now been placed in internships, securing their training to employment. All of this has been made possible by the generous gifts of the PSA donors. We also have a new vocational student for seamstresses training who started last week.  

68 Cyaruzinge children, age 7 to 12, are attending primary school. Rwanda has a new requirement for school children. The fee to feed them lunch has to be paid quarterly for them to attend. This is a good requirement, but many of the families do not have the money. PSA has agreed to subsidize the families who don’t have the funds. This will ensure the children will be fed and go to school, a double win.

Cyaruzinge also has three students in 9 Program (High School), two girls and one boy. PSA donors have supported these children. Thank You, these children are the near future of the community. 

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Organization Information

PygmySurvival Alliance

Location: Seattle, WA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Karl Weyrauch
Seattle , WA United States
$8,073 raised of $10,000 goal
101 donations
$1,927 to go
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