Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar

by SEED Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar
Making Access to Water Sustainable in Madagascar

Project Report | May 8, 2018
Rural Action For Safe Water

By Simren Herm-Singh | Project Development Officer

Safe water is a human right
Safe water is a human right

Did you know that worldwide over 844,000,000 people are without access to even just a basic source of drinking water?

 Access to safe drinking water is a basic human right, which is why we’ve been celebrating Water Action Month.Recently becoming a member of End Water Poverty, Project Fatsaka took the lead in supporting Water Aid’s campaign on safe water for all in the Mahatalaky Rural Commune, southeastern Madagascar.

Since May last year, the project has been helping 15 rural villages regain access to safe drinking water in their community wells. SEED has been training well committees in each community to repair their local wells, some of which have been broken for years.

Educations sessions are designed to help community members to recognize the health implications of poor drinking water practices. On-going community meetings and training sessions are tailored for individual community needs. Equipped with the necessary technical and financial management trainings, communities are gradually empowered to manage and maintain their wells independently. Without requiring external support or funding in the future, communities themselves can ensure supply to safe drinking water.

Since January 2018 Project Fatsaka has trained and assisted 11 communities in repairing their well and regaining access to safe drinking water!


Building on the momentum of Water Action Month, Fatsaka’s activities in March focused on promoting good hygiene habits in schools. Following teacher training, in February - four schools have received lessons focusing on hand-washing. Armed with scientific knowledge on how hand-washing can prevent the spread of disease -  it is hoped that these children will become advocates for WASH. Research shows that by querying and questioning deeply entrenched attitudes and traditions practiced by their family and friends - it is often children that catalyse change within their communities.

On the 24th of March Project Fatsaka celebrated World Water Day with a large public event to promote safe drinking water practices. The turnout was immense, with hundreds of people, traveling from 15 communities to join the festivities! The crowd cheered with excitement as school teams and water committees competed in handwashing relay races and competitions. Water quizzes allowed the team to reinforce key hygiene messages and highlight the health benefits of safe water. The presence of local politicians at the event helped raised awareness on the importance of having access to safe drinking water.

The events ended with the remarks of the Mayor: “Project Fatsaka has helped our children and families have access to safe water once more. We need to recognize that value to our well-being and ensure that our well committees have the support of the community to maintain the wells independently in the future!”

Project Fatsaka’s community-led approach is helping communities of the Mahatalaky Rural Commune achieve their human right to safe water. Find out more about what we're doing at SEED to @EndWaterPoverty and think about making a donation through this page to continue SEED's work in making access to safe water a reality in southeast Madagascar!

Relay races for safe water
Relay races for safe water
Safe water equals happy kids!
Safe water equals happy kids!
Technical maintenance training
Technical maintenance training
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Organization Information

SEED Madagascar

Location: London - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @SEEDMadagascar
Project Leader:
Nick Lynch-Staunton
London , London United Kingdom

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