Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala

by Wuqu' Kawoq
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala

Project Report | Dec 18, 2017
Joyful home visits make healthy families!

By Anne Kraemer | Executive director

home visits
home visits

Dear Friends,

Our Maya Health team is dedicated to bringing a joyful spirit to the homes of our patients during this holiday.

During our home visits, we provide monitoring weight and height, micronutrients, deworming and nutritional supplements. During the month of November, we did 540 homes visits! A visit normally lasts 45 minutes, and it is during this key period of time that our nutrition team provides one on one counseling on nutrition and child growth, we also teach women new recipes to add more nutritious foods to their diet and promote a healthier lifestyle for their families.

We are very happy to have the support of a great network of staff members that coordinate a sustaining nutritional surveillance with our nutrition specialist to detect and treat malnutrition cases. Every case we find is a child that we can help get back on their proper growth curve so their brain is growing right. This means a child a much better chance to reach their milestones, stay in school and learn!


We were happy to find Angel during one of our routine visits to the field.  We have helped him overcome the challenges of malnutrition.  He is a 4-year-old boy, who at 2 years of age fell into severe chronic malnutrition and moderate acute underweight, affecting both his height and weight. He was very, very ill. He lives on a rubber plantation in a small village with his parents, whom had heard about Maya Health's work and without hesitating they decided to enroll their son into our nutrition program.  With the help of our four essential interventions, Angel was able to reach a healthy nutritional status in a matter of months! This means brain growth!

During this season of hope and joy we believe that we can help make healthier families and communities by supporting childrens’ health and nutrition.  With YOUR INCREDIBLE SUPPORT, children will get the quality care they need to lead healthy, productive lives with futures full of possibilities. Thank you for your on-going support and dedication to the 1000s of children in Guatemala we have been able to help, because of you!

Happy holidays!

With much gratitude,

The team at Maya Health Alliance | Wuqu’ Kawoq

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home 1
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home 2
healthy kids
healthy kids
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Organization Information

Wuqu' Kawoq

Location: Bethel, VT - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @wuqukawoq
Project Leader:
Anne Kraemer Diaz
Bethel , VT Guatemala
$557,314 raised of $650,000 goal
15,592 donations
$92,686 to go
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