Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala

by Wuqu' Kawoq
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala
Fight Rising Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala

Project Report | Oct 23, 2023
Daniel's Journey: Resilience and Hope

By Emily Lopez | Development and Digital Communications Manager

Little Daniel
Little Daniel

In the heart of Sololá, nestled in the municipality of Aldea Xolbé, a remarkable transformation is unfolding in the life of young Daniel. His family has witnessed a profound change, and his parents are overjoyed at the support he's been receiving. The path ahead is not without challenges, but they're embracing it with unwavering determination.

Daniel, the first child of Don José Manuel and Doña Marcela, was diagnosed shortly after his birth with esophageal atresia, a rare digestive disorder affecting the esophagus that creates difficulty with breathing and swallowing food. Local health providers referred him to Roosevelt Hospital in Guatemala City for treatment, but the family could not afford follow-up care or the special milk formula required for him to take in nutrition, leaving him severely underweight, stunted, and struggling to survive. Then the family connected with Maya Health, which has helped monitor his care and access formula as he awaits surgery.

With this guidance, his parents are taking every step to ensure his well-being. His diagnosis of esophageal atresia meant that enjoying the flavors of life was a challenge, but his mother's love and care shone through in every spoonful of fruit and vegetable purees she prepared for him. Thanks to his parents’ diligent care, Daniel, at 17 months in October, has achieved a number of developmental  milestones. He began to crawl just two months ago, and now, he's taken his first steps. His words, "mamá," "no," and "Papá," fill the air, and when he desires something, he points with his tiny fingers. Together with his mother, he delights in watching Disney's "Masha and the Bear." His father, after returning from his construction job in the evenings, engages in playful father-son moments, where they pretend that Daniel is piloting an imaginary airplane. Laughter and warm embraces fill their room, adorned with cozy blankets to ward off the seasonal chill.

April marked Daniel's last visit at the Roosevelt Hospital, where they tracked his journey towards a surgery that would connect his esophagus to his stomach. Doña Marcela eagerly awaits the precise surgery date set for 2024. However, two weeks ago, they had a follow-up appointment that couldn't be fulfilled due to the current political unrest in Guatemala. The nation's political climate has led to demonstrations and roadblocks, making it impossible to travel to Guatemala City.

In this challenging journey, Daniel has found unwavering support. Regular visits from Wuqu’ Kawoq to monitor his growth, provide food supplements, and formula have played a pivotal role in Daniel's remarkable progress.

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Organization Information

Wuqu' Kawoq

Location: Bethel, VT - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @wuqukawoq
Project Leader:
Anne Kraemer Diaz
Bethel , VT Guatemala
$557,314 raised of $650,000 goal
15,592 donations
$92,686 to go
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