By James Malinga | Project Leader
Thank you so much for sponsoring children under Mountains of Hope, last quarter we were able to send 30 children to school, your sponsorship money enabled us to do that for your sponsored child, we have also supplied matresses for your sponsored child and other beddings for the household, Mountains of Hope has also supported schools where your child attends with text books for the children to read and get to learnt English fluetly, we have also provided the same schools with lunch for your sponsored child and other children to be able to have lunch at school.
"We are going to support schools to establish school gardens in order to maintain lunch at schools, we will provide them seeds and training on modern farming methods, each class will grow its own food and at the end of the day, bring it together to form a big lunch at school" James, Project Leader Mountains of Hope
Your sponsorship is very important and plays a great role in fostering Education, Health and improving the economic development of families in Uganda, am very sure that your sponsored childs family and entire community will not remain the same again.
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