Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students

by Airline Ambassadors
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students
Nutritious Foods for Sierra Leone Students

Project Report | Apr 27, 2023
Update on Diamond School

By Thomas Dalury | Project Coordinator

 Due to the recent devastating devaluation of Sierra Leone’s local currency, the price of local basic commodities, has skyrocketed. This, coupled with a drastice increase in imported staples  such as rice and the gas needed to cook a meal, has greatly affected our students.  

Sadly, some Diamond Child School families have pulled their kids out of school and sent them to work menial jobs or beg in the streets in order for the family to survive. The psychological effects of such abrupt interruptions of a child’s education are both hard to quantify or easy to eradicate. Other  repercussions could include acquiring various potentially debilitating vices such as stealing, drug abuse and sexual harassments; the dangers associated with street hawking.   

Thanks to our feeding program, funded by your kind donations, many parents consciously prefer to have their children attend Diamond Child School where their youngsters are assured that they will receive a nutritious meal daily. For the family it is really a win-win situation: receive an education while avoiding the burden of having to struggle to feed the child at least one complete plate of healthy food during the school week. Diamond Child’s staff have observed since the onset of this “Nutritious Foods” program, a significant improvement in their student’s level of attention in class.  As the institution’s founder recently quoted, “this accompanies greatly a child’s joy of learning”.   

We’d like to end on a very positive and encouraging note: Diamond Child will be sending 40 students (up from 30 in the last edition) to sit for the National Primary School Examination (NPSE) set for May. Convinced that this feeding project has again had a direct impact on the number of students whose goal is to enter secondary school, this selective entrance test will indeed host many healthy “Diamonds” in 2023. Congratulations students!  We wish you all the best. Thank you, GlobalGiving. Thank you, Airline Ambassadors.  

Children are benefitting
Children are benefitting
Learning too!
Learning too!
Names of the children supported
Names of the children supported
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Airline Ambassadors

Location: Saint Paul, MN - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @airlineambintl
Project Leader:
Kate Jewell
Califon , NJ United States
$18,165 raised of $25,000 goal
171 donations
$6,835 to go
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