Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life

by AIP Foundation
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life

Project Report | Nov 14, 2018
Thousands of helmets donated in new school year!

By Alex Nguyen | Communications & Development Coordinator

The Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam helps students properly wear their helmets

As the new school year commenced in Vietnam, millions of children returned to school and many returned to the dangerous commutes they encounter every day on their way to school. Through our various helmet programs implemented in Vietnam, we have donated well over 4000 helmets within the past few months across Vietnam for students at primary schools located in busy districts and areas with precarious road safety situations.

We thank you for your continued support of our work and hope you enjoy reading about the work we've done this school year. Read on for exciting news developments.

AIP Foundation and Swedish Embassy observe Traffic Safety Day at two primary schools

09-11-2018 - Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

AIP Foundation and the Swedish Embassy in Vietnam joined many corporate partners to distribute nearly 2,000 high-quality helmets to students at two primary schools in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The Swedish Embassy gave nearly 1000 helmets to Ba Dinh Primary School in Hanoi and nearly 1000 helmets to Luong The Vinh Primary School in Ho Chi Minh City. At the events, the organizers called for stronger public awareness and urged adults to put helmets on children whenever they travel on motorcycles. Additionally, there was a flash mob dance that encouraged students to always wear their helmets as well as games that tested their helmet safety knowledge. The ceremony took place in support of AIP Foundation’s Helmet for Kids program, which provides thousands of high-quality helmets to students across Vietnam as well as road safety education to them and their teachers and parents every year.

Approximately 22,000 people lose their lives and 453,000 suffer injuries due to road crashes each year in Vietnam. Road crashes is the number one cause of death for young people aged 15 to 29 and the number two cause of death for children aged 5 to 14 in Vietnam. With over 80 percent of the population under the age of 50, the effects of road crash deaths on young people result in losses to both the family and the larger community.

Please read the press release here

Please review photos from the Hanoi event here

Please review photos from the Ho Chi Minh City event here

Safety Delivered volunteers promote child helmet use in Hanoi

17-10-2018 - Hanoi

Students adjusting their helmets in accordance to the 3 rules of wearing a helmet correctly

AIP Foundation held a helmet handover ceremony at Thanh Tri Primary School, Hanoi sponsored by The UPS Foundation as part of its Safety Delivered program. UPS employees in Vietnam kicked off the company’s annual Global Volunteer Month (GVM) with road safety demonstrations at Thanh Tri Primary School in Hanoi. The event took place at the start of the 2018-19 school year and aimed to raise safety awareness among students, with a special focus on helmet use. UPS volunteers and youth ambassadors for road safety (YARS) from Hanoi University and Cong Nghiep University helped the students wear their helmets correctly in accordance to AIP Foundation’s three steps. The event concluded with a donation from The UPS Foundation of 1,400 quality motorcycle helmets to the students.

AIP Foundation coordinated the event with The UPS Foundation, UPS Vietnam, the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), the Ministry of Education and Training, the Department of Education and Training, Hanoi Traffic Safety Department and Hanoi traffic police. Important representatives from each organization attending including: the Deputy Chief of Secretariat from NTSC, the Deputy CEO from AIP Foundation, representatives from Hanoi TSC, as well as members of the Hanoi Traffic Police, Hoang Mai Women Association, Thanh Tri Ward’s People Committee, and UPS Vietnam.

To learn more about the event:

Please read the press release here

Please see more pictures here

Helmets for Kids celebrates seven years of implementation, holds kick-off ceremony in Thai Nguyen province

24-09-2018 - Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam

Primary school children in Thai Nguyen learn the three steps to wearing a helmet for the first time

Primary school children in Thai Nguyen learn the three steps to wearing a helmet for the first time

To celebrate seven years of strong partnership between AIP Foundation and Johnson & Johnson, and in response to the call for “Traffic Safety for Children” from National Traffic Safety Committee this year, Helmets for Kids will extend towards Thai Nguyen, a mountainous area located in the north of Vietnam. AIP Foundation collaborated with Thai Nguyen Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) to organize a kick-off event at Hoa Thuong 1 Primary School. After six successful program years, Johnson & Johnson will continue to support Helmets for Kids in Gia Lai, Yen Bai and Quang Nam, and will begin work in Thai Nguyen for the first time in 2018. The total number of donated helmets is 5,075 towards 31 schools across Vietnam.

Nearly 670 people attended the ceremony. The ceremony welcomed some distinguished guests: Mrs. Trinh Thu Ha, Deputy Chief of Secretariat from the National Traffic Safety Committee, representative from the Ministry of Education and Training Mr. Duong Van Ba, Mr. Nguyen Quang Trung from J&J Vietnam and other representatives from local authorities and government.

“We are happy to see the long-term commitment and impact from Johnson & Johnson’s Helmets for Kids program and local partners. The program embraces such a meaningful message, through which we hope to raise awareness of helmet use and basic road safety knowledge in primary schools. By expanding the program towards Thai Nguyen this year, along with various teacher training workshops, “Helmets for Kids” program expresses its concern not only about helmet standard quality but also Vietnam’s next generation. Active participation from provincial departments and great support from Johnson & Johnson are two keys factors to program success. ” said Mrs. Trinh Thu Ha, Deputy Chief of Secretariat for National Traffic Safety Committee.

Please see more photos from the event here

Please read the full press release here

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Organization Information

AIP Foundation

Location: Ho Chi Minh City, District 1 - Vietnam
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @AIPFoundation
Project Leader:
Khe Nguyen
Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam
$36,239 raised of $42,500 goal
620 donations
$6,261 to go
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