Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life

by AIP Foundation
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life
Give a Vietnamese child a helmet; save a life

Project Report | Mar 12, 2012
Donate again on March 14; see your donation go further!

By Aaron Abelson | Development Coordinator

In 2011 alone, AIP Foundation programs directly impacted about 18,000 children in Vietnam, whether by providing them with helmets or traffic safety education. Many of their teachers and parents also received helmets, training, or informational materials. Beyond that, over 85,000 people learned about the importance of child helmet use through flyers or public events related to our public awareness campaign. But the sight of vulnerable children riding motorbikes without helmets remains all too common.

If you're receiving this report, it means you've donated to this important cause. Whether you donated using a gift card, credit card, or through mobile giving, you've actively demonstrated your concern about the safety of children in Vietnam and your commitment to do something about it.

We ask you to consider donating to AIP Foundation through Global Giving again on Wednesday and see your donation go even further because Global Giving will be matching donations at 30%.

The matching will begin at 12:01am EST on Wednesday, March 14 and continue that day until the $50,000 in matching funds run out, so don't wait until the end of the day!

We also hope you'll help us spread the word, as bonus funding will be given to organizations that raise the most money on Bonus Day. You can click on the project link below and share the project on Facebook or Twitter, making sure to explain why this cause is important to you. Thanks for your support!

Intel volunteers help teach safe traffic behavior
Intel volunteers help teach safe traffic behavior
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Organization Information

AIP Foundation

Location: Ho Chi Minh City, District 1 - Vietnam
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @AIPFoundation
Project Leader:
Khe Nguyen
Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam
$36,239 raised of $42,500 goal
620 donations
$6,261 to go
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