Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment

by Peruvian Hearts
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Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment
Peruvian Hearts - Girls' Education & Empowerment

Project Report | Jan 25, 2021
PH Providing Monthly Stipends for Food During Pandemic, PH Scholars Continue Univ. Studies Remotely

By Danny Dodson | Executive Director

PH Scholar Aldy (right) with her family in Cusco.
PH Scholar Aldy (right) with her family in Cusco.

During the ongoing pandemic, our 32 Peruvian Hearts scholars continue working hard in their university studies. Our scholars have been studying remotely since March of 2020 and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future as the Peruvian government continues to require online learning to help control the spread of the virus around Peru. 

Thanks to the generosity of our Peruvian Hearts family of donors and supporters, our PH girls and their families have had food to eat during what has been, and continues to be, such a difficult time economically for our dear PH families. Most of our girls’ parents are still without work, and therefore we continue to provide monthly stipends to make sure our PH families can meet their most basic needs such as food and medicine. We are grateful to our Peruvian Hearts donors who continue to believe in our girls and support their dreams.

The following are two letters of gratitude from Peruvian Hearts scholars Maite and Aldy. All of our 32 girls and their families are profoundly grateful for your ongoing support. Thank you!


Dear Friends,

My family and I are deeply grateful for your unconditional support during this pandemic. Even though these have been very difficult days, your support made us stronger and we did not lose hope. We will never forget all that you did for us. You are our inspiration to continue our efforts and in the future we will be able to help other people, as you help us, and in this way make the world a much better place.

From the bottom of my heart, I send you my best wishes, and a hug from Cusco.

Sincerely yours,



Dear Donors,

My Name is Aldeyny, but you can call me Aldy. Last Year was really difficult for many families, but thanks to all of you, it was good for my family and I, because we had food on our table.

We are so grateful with every one of you for making our lives better. At the same time, I was able to continue studying at university and get closer to fulfilling one of my biggest dreams, which is to finish my studies.

I don’t have enough words to express my gratefulness for all of your help and support during this difficult time. I hope God always blesses you, as well as your family. My family and I want to wish you the best during 2021. We love you!



P.S. You are amazing and wonderful!

Maite shows products that her family purchased.
Maite shows products that her family purchased.
Melani shows products her family purchased.
Melani shows products her family purchased.
Marcia and her mother with products purchased.
Marcia and her mother with products purchased.


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Organization Information

Peruvian Hearts

Location: Golden, Colorado - USA
Project Leader:
Danny Dodson
Executive Director
Golden , CO United States
$29,925 raised of $50,000 goal
490 donations
$20,075 to go
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