By Patty Freedman | Director POP-UP Festival
Did you know that your donation not only funds fresh activities for kids to support emotional wellbeing and mental health but also training, support, and community connections for educators?
POP-UP Festival is a volunteer-led program training everyday people (teachers, parents, youth leaders, YOU!) to host and create fun experiences for children to help them grow their emotional intelligence. We have a robust global mentor network of 30 people to train and develop our volunteers.
These mentors are coordinated by two amazing SuperMentors– Ayaka Mawary and Antonella Malaga. They provide free online training once a month in different languages and time zones to onboard new volunteers. In addition they host once a month online community gatherings with mentors, developing new ideas and support materials for a global audience. When people feel connected and join together to make a positive difference their impact is multiplied!
It's incredible to think how many hands are needed to co-create a network of people all committed to spreading Six Second’s vision of 1B people practicing emotional intelligence.
If you have not yet participated in POP-UP Festivals please join us to experience the fun and transformation. To get access to all 70+ activities in the POP-UP Library follow the links below.
With gratitude-
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