Positive Steps

by Teens Unite Fighting Cancer
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps
Positive Steps

Project Report | Jan 27, 2023
Such stuff as dreams are made on

By Lesley Morris | Head of Trust Income & Partnerships

Treading the boards
Treading the boards

Overcoming cancer is just the start of the battle. These young people are disproportionately impacted by mental health & emotional wellbeing issues, facing depression, anxiety, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). One in four young people will face a mental health issue in their lifetime, this increases to three in four where they have faced cancer.

For this event, we headed to the Globe Theatre on London’s Southbank. The reconstruction of the Elizabethan Playhouse where William Shakespeare wrote his plays is iconic, and a unique, breath-taking theatrical space.

The day started with a guided tour. Following in the footsteps of Othello, King Lear, Hamlet, and Macbeth our guide shared the stories and the secrets of the theatre and its performances, they vividly bought to life the colour and sound of the 16th Century Playhouse from it’s opening in 1599 to its destruction in 1613 by a devastating fire. They then told of its faithful reconstruction and how today it is a global phenomenon with worldwide acclaim.

Acting is an excellent way for the young people to decrease their feelings of anxiety, an opportunity for them to escape how they’re feeling, and be someone else for a short period of time – someone with a completely different life and mindset. They were all invited to take centre stage, channel their inner Shakespeare, and join a ‘lively action’ drama workshop led by professional actor, Sam.

Sam was on hand to answer any questions that the young people had about the industry, and everyone learnt some new acting techniques, before taking part in a once in a lifetime opportunity of performing a Shakespearean scene on the stage.

This provided a much-needed opportunity to build confidence so often lost through a cancer journey – it provided an outlet to make brave choices and conquer fears in a supportive, relaxed environment, as well as provide an excellent opportunity to engage with other young people who genuinely understand what they’re each going through.

In the 16th Century, hungry actors may have headed for a post-performance treat of quails, larks, deer pasties and gingerbread and fritters, but our young thespians headed off to enjoy a lunch of fried chicken and waffles where they were able to continue to get to know each other. The social support networks that are created last way beyond the activity itself.

In keeping with our Shakespearean theme, we say “go raibh maith agat" to you for supporting our project helping teenagers and young adults to overcome the challenges that cancer brings.

I have no words. My voice is my sword
I have no words. My voice is my sword
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Organization Information

Teens Unite Fighting Cancer

Location: Hoddesdon - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @teensunite
Project Leader:
Lesley Lowden-Smith
Broxbourne , United Kingdom
$13,662 raised of $20,000 goal
133 donations
$6,338 to go
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