By Emily Muir | Vaccinations in Mali, West Africa
Millions of deaths are caused each year by preventable diseases in third world countries. Vaccinations are a proven resolution and also the most cost effective resolution that is availblae to these countries and their governments. However, in Mali the goverment continues to fail to keep up with the vaccinations and in the villages the families do not have the resources, funds and sometimes the healthcare knowledge to get vaccinations for their children. In Mali, specifically in rural areas infectious diseases contiues to be the number one reason for death.
When a child grows up economically disadvantaged and in great poverty they are at greater risk of disease. They most likely do not have access to clean water, are subjected to malnutrition and do not have access to good healthcare. This creates the domino effect; a viscious cycle. When a mother has access to vaccinations and the ability to vaccinate her child it automatically breaks that cycle. It gives her child a better chance at fighting off infectious disease. When a child is vaccinated, the child has a better chance of fighting off disease, of staying in school, of working and gaining employment and becoming a healthy and sucessful adult, thus boosting the economy.
In the rural communities villagers already face malaria which continues to take the lives of one out of every five children that are under the age of five. It is the number one cause of death among infants. We must continue to provide vaccinations to prevent the spread of other infectious diseases to give children the chance to survive in these rurual villages. Most recently we have seen the spread of a new deadly virus, COVID-19. It is now more important than ever to continue to vaccinate. The Alliance continues to partner with the government and 25 villages to provide vaccinations against nine deadly diseases to childrten under the age of five and expecting mothers. The cost to vaccinate a child, to save a life is $5 in Mali, West Africa. Please consider helping us continue to rasie money for vaccinations and prevent the spread of infectious disease.
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