By Jen Beckstead | Executive Director
The Ouelessebougou Alliance's vaccination program has been a leading intervention for disease prevention in the area of Ouelessebougou, Mali for many years. Villagers know that the simple practice of getting immunized can mean the difference between life and death. Mothers are committed to having their children be 100% vaccinated and they are so grateful for the support of donors that give their children the chance of a healthy and comfortable life. Because the villages we work in are in rural areas, villagers would not have access to vaccinations if it weren't for our ability to get the vaccinations to them.
As we look to the future, we are happy to announce that we will be continuing our vaccination program as villagers have eagerly asked us to do so. Our delivery system is strong and our relationship with the local government and village leaders is exceptional. We look forward to continuing this important and life-saving program.
Thank you for your generosity and continued support.
Ouelessebougou Alliance Staff and Board
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