Provide women and girls education in Cambodia

by Women's Resource Center
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Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia
Provide women and girls education in Cambodia

Project Report | Dec 29, 2014
Your Year-End Gifts to Women's Resource Center Means So Much!

By Sally Douglas | Project Leader

Pisey and Sally meet the POPE at the Vatican!
Pisey and Sally meet the POPE at the Vatican!

We have just $1600 left to raise to be eligible for a $3000 bonus through GlobalGiving’s Giving Challenge! If you have given already, THANK YOU. If you haven’t, please consider making a tax-deductible gift to Women’s Resource Center today so we can meet the December 31st deadline!

Your gifts will help us make two very important additions to our facilities in 2015:

1. A computer for our library space so women can go online to research jobs, health information, etc.

2. A tuk tuk (motorcycle taxi) to transport women to and from our office so no woman misses out on education at WRC due to lack of transportation

Here’s an update on just a few monumental accomplishments we were able to make this year due to your generosity:

  • Moved to a new space that holds 3 times the students to accommodate increased demand for our programs, and added 3 new staff members
  • Launched our new Riel Change financial literacy workshop to help Cambodian women gain financial independence
  • Spoke on human trafficking at the Vatican in November – we even met the Pope! Our Managing Director, Pisey, was invited by the Global Freedom Network to present recommendations to the Vatican and Network at the Symposium, Young People Against Prostitution and Human Trafficking.

Your gifts accomplished so much in 2014; won’t you help us go even further to reach more Cambodian women in need?

Thank you so much for your support. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!


WRC's empowered Riel Change workshop women!
WRC's empowered Riel Change workshop women!
Our new HuGe center!
Our new HuGe center!
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Organization Information

Women's Resource Center

Location: Siem Reap, - - Cambodia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Bunnak Leng
Siem Reap , Siem Reap Cambodia
$102,138 raised of $110,000 goal
1,971 donations
$7,862 to go
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