Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal

by The Nepal Trust
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Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal
Agriculture Support in Sindupalchowk, Nepal

Project Report | Nov 24, 2015
Relief and progress

By Tony Sharpe | Project Leader

A new sewing machine
A new sewing machine

Getting about in Sindalpalchowk is always difficult but the earthquake, followed by a monsoon on already unstable ground, makes it almost impossible to deliver large and bulky items. Roads are still closed and it will be a few weeks before most are reopened. Our GG funded project in Tarkegyang is affected like this but we expect the road to be opened soon to lorries so we can move ahead with the project. However, we have not been sitting around and have focussed on other villages to get urgent supplies and materials in. Two Temporary Learning Centres (TLCs) have been constructed in Kunchok VDC which has enabled children to get back to school as quickly as possible

Farmers have been supported in many ways. Fresh seed supplies, tunnel plastics, sprayers, pesticides, cultivation equipment, etc, have been supplied to many farmers to get them quickly back to what they do best. The Trust has also supplied veterinary support services to check farm animals and provide vaccinations and medicines.

Under government certified training schemes we have provided skills training for 8 stonemasons to learn earthquake resilience building methods. This will provide an established qualification for future income generation activities. Likewise we have provided a number of sewing machines to skilled operators so they can also start to earn a living again.

A new project to repair a road and electricity supply to a remote village is currently at the planning stage. A major project funded by GG to rebuild the Shree Gorkhana Primary school in Helambu VDC will get underway early in 2016 once the winter snows have cleared. All plans are prepared and ready to go.

Many thanks to all our supporters, particularly to GG, for all your help with this tragic disaster. The need will go on for years so if you can continue to help we would be very grateful. The people affected by this tragedy are very resillient and all they require is a small lift to restart their lives.

Farmer support
Farmer support
Temporary Learning Centre
Temporary Learning Centre
Stonemason training
Stonemason training
Veterinary services
Veterinary services
Appreciation Letter
Appreciation Letter


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Organization Information

The Nepal Trust

Location: Glasgow, Scotland - United Kingdom
Project Leader:
Tony Sharpe
Glasgow , Scotland United Kingdom

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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