Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia

by Mahavir Kmina Artificial Limb Center
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia
Give prosthetics to low limbs amputees in Colombia

Project Report | Mar 9, 2012
Three Kids are Walking / Tres Ninos Kminan

By Maria del Mar | International Cooperation

Hillary Diaz.
Hillary Diaz.

Dear donors,

This year we started our work with the right foot. So far we have delivered 43 prosthesis, 3 of them for kids. These kids have been able to walk again thanks to all your generous donations. In order to increase our impact in the female population, who account for around 30% of our total beneficiaries, we are running a special campaign in the month of the women.

March will be our Women Fundraising Month!!!

All the donations received trough the GlobalGiving Platform will be used to produce and fit prosthesis for women from all ages. March is the perfect month because, additionally to the 8th march being the Women's Day, GlobalGiving will be hosting a Bonus Day on March 14. During the Bonus Day GlobalGiving will be matching all donations up to US $1.000 per donor at 30%. This means that if you donate US $100 we will receive an additional US$ 30, if you donate US $500 we will receive an additional US $150 and if you donate US $1.000 we will receiving and additional US$300. How awesome is that! And that's not all: the project that raises the most or has most unique donors during the GlobalGiving Bonus Day will receive and additional US $1.000 (that's two prosthesis!). The Bonus Day starts at 00:01 a.m. EDT (Washington, New York and Bogotá Time) on Wednesday and funds are limited. So, in case you want to participate we advise you to do it early because GlobalGiving has a limited budget of $50.000 to match funds.

And if you missed the women's day you can always donate in honour of that special women in the following link Its not too late!


Estimados amigos,

Este año empezamos con el pie derecho. Hast ahora hemos entregado 43 prótesis, 3 de ellas para niños. Estos niños han tenido la oportunidad de caminar de nuevo gracias a sus generosas donaciones. Con el fin de aumentar nuestro impacto en las mujeres y niñas, quienes representan cerca del 30% de nuestras beneficiarias, estamos haciendo una campaña especial para ellas en el mes de la mujer.

Marzo será nuestro Mes de Donaciones para Mujeres!!!

Todas las donaciones recibidas a través de la plataforma de donaciones online GlobalGiving serán usadas para producir y colocar prótesis a mujeres de todas las edades. Marzo es el mes perfecto para hacerlo porque, además de ser el mes de la mujer, GlobalGiving tendrá un Bonus Day el 14 de marzo. Durante este día GlobalGiving donará un 30% adicional a todas las donaciones inferiores a US $1.000 que haga cada donante. Esto significa que si donas US $100 recibiremos US $30 adicionales, si donas US $500 recibiremos US $150 adicionales, y si donas US $1.000 recibiremos US $300 adicionales. Adicionalmente GlobalGiving estará entregando premios de US $1.000 para aquellos proyectos que reciban más dinero o que tengan un mayor número de nonantes (esto equivale a dos prótesis!). El Bonus Day empieza el Miércoles 14 de marzo a las 00:00 a.m. EDT 8hora Washingyon, Nueva York y Bogotá). Global Giving dispone de US $50.000 para este día, así que si quieres participar debes hacer tu donación lo más temprano posible!

Y si olvidaste el día de la mujer, siempre puedes donar una tarjeta en honor de una mujer especial y entregársela como regalo en el siguiente link Todavía no es muy tarde!

Sergio Osorio
Sergio Osorio


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Organization Information

Mahavir Kmina Artificial Limb Center

Location: La Estrella, Antioquia - Colombia
Mahavir Kmina Artificial Limb Center
Juan Rodrigo Mejia
Project Leader:
Juan Rodrigo Mejia
Executive Director
La Estrella , Antioquia Colombia

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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