Seeds for Life in Zambia

by The Butterfly Tree
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Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia

Project Report | May 1, 2019

By Jane Kaye-Bailey | Founder

Vulnerable Chicken - Kamwi Village
Vulnerable Chicken - Kamwi Village

As many of you, who regularly read our newsletters, will know I always try to report positive news as we are saturated with shocking and depressing news. Therefore I have given it a great deal of thought before writing this post. During the last thirteen years we have made a sustainable impact in water, health, education and sustainable feeding programmes throughout the Kazungula District, which covers a wide area and has a population in excess of 70,000. However, never before have we had to contend with a severe drought – this is a perfect example of climate change!

This year’s rainy season did not really happen, which has resulted in crop failures and dry streams and rivers. Last month I drove hundreds of miles visiting remote schools, health centres and villages and everywhere was the same picture. One month on the situation has worsened. This is the time when food is normally in abundance, maize and millet ripening and vegetables readily available. There will be no rain before the end of the year as it is now the dry season.

While the bigger organisations and government are conducting surveys children are hungry. What makes it worse is that schools, that have feeding programmes, are closed for the break. At Easter we made our first distribution in Mukuni and N’gandu Villages. This week we asked one of our young volunteers to do a survey in Kamwi Village, where we sponsor many orphans to go to their school. Yesterday, he reported the following: ‘they just eat only lunch no breakfast or supper sometimes nothing.’  Tomorrow we will be giving out bags of maize to all of these children. 

Though we cannot help everyone we can certainly reach out to the orphans and vulnerable children that we support, and also the elderly who have lost their children. If we can provide food until some other big organisation steps in we can prevent children suffering from malnutrition.

We are buying the courser grain maize, which is cheaper than the refined maize, but has a higher nutritious content. So far we have recieved donations to purchase 2,700 bags, which are being distibuted to those most in need.  A bag a maize with feed a family of four for three weeks and costs just $10. 

Thank you to everyone who has donated - please keep the donations coming, which will be used soley for this purpose.

River in Nyawa
River in Nyawa
Perished crops - Musokotwane
Perished crops - Musokotwane


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Organization Information

The Butterfly Tree

Location: Banstead, Surrey - United Kingdom
Project Leader:
Jane Kaye-Bailey
Banstead , Surrey United Kingdom
$106,827 raised of $200,000 goal
103 donations
$93,173 to go
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