Seeds for Life in Zambia

by The Butterfly Tree
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Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia

Project Report | Sep 3, 2020

By Jane Kaye-Bailey | Founder


COVID-19 continues to dominate World News and though the number of cases is reducing in some regions, others are still increasing. While the focus is on finding a vaccine millions of people around the world are suffering from severe hunger due to the coronavirus pandemic.

According to a report forecast from the United Nations ‘Across the planet, the COVID-19 pandemic could tip over 130 million more people into chronic hunger by the end of 2020.

Sadly, Zambia is one of the countries where hunger is increasing, most especially in the area where we are based near Livingstone. Tourists normally flock to see the might Victoria Falls, a UNESCO World Heritage site, throughout the year, but like most countries Zambia’s tourism has come to a standstill.

Mukuni Village income is primarily from tourism. The traditional Leya people welcome visitors to learn about the culture of the Leya people and gain an insight into a traditional nomadic way of like. Members of the community worked at nearby lodges and hotels, or for tour operators, others run the white-water rafting and gorge swing adventures. In addition, there are two normally bustling markets, one in Mukuni and one by the Victoria Falls. Their arts and crafts are renowned, consisting of beautiful wood carvings, basketry, and jewellery. The sale of these items feeds families and pay for medicines and school fees. Though the markets have reopened there are very few customers.

Hunger in Mukuni Village and their surrounding communities was becoming critical, but now thanks to your donations many families have food. Hundreds of bags of ground maize, the staple diet of Zambians, have been distributed to those most in need. A 25kg bag of maize, costs just $10 and will feed a family of four for three weeks.

Besides food distribution we continue to provide rural schools and clinics with PPE. It is mandatory for all pupils and teachers to wear masks and for the school to provide soap, hand sanitizing gel and disinfectant. Unfortunately due to the extreme poverty funds are not available. We have provided all these items to 21 schools and 30 clinics as well as infrared thermometers

Thank you to everyone who has supported this vital appeal, please keep the donations coming to enable vulnerable people in Zambia to have food and protection from coronavirus.

Distribution of ground maize - Kamwi Village
Distribution of ground maize - Kamwi Village
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Organization Information

The Butterfly Tree

Location: Banstead, Surrey - United Kingdom
Project Leader:
Jane Kaye-Bailey
Banstead , Surrey United Kingdom
$106,827 raised of $200,000 goal
103 donations
$93,173 to go
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