Seeds for Life in Zambia

by The Butterfly Tree
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Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia

Project Report | Feb 23, 2016
Water Crisis

By Jane Kaye-Bailey | Founder

Dry River Bed - Nyawa Chiefdom
Dry River Bed - Nyawa Chiefdom

Over one third of Zambia’s 15.5 million population do no have access to safe clean drinking water and 25% of all schools to not have a safe supply of water. 

For many of us the constant rainy days this winter have become tiresome. The ground is saturated, which restricts us being able to play sport, do the gardening or hang out the washing. Imagine what it would be like if you had no fresh water to drink, no rain to irrigate the crops and no streams to wash your clothes in.

While some areas of the globe are experiencing excessive rain and flooding caused by El Niño many countries in Eastern and Southern Africa are suffering from drought. Zambia is no exception. Though substantial rain has helped parts of the nation, areas between Zimba to Livingstone, in Southern Province, have been hit for the second consecutive year. The Chiefdoms where we work are in this region.

Reports are coming in of dry streams, failed crops and food shortages. Children are drinking from shallow wells. At River View School, which is close to the Zambezi River, water is generally pumped from the river using an electric pump, but when there is no electricity, water has to be drawn from the river. Last week, a fourteen year old boy had a narrow escape. As he was drawing the water a friend noticed a crocodile heading towards him and thankfully alerted the boy in time!

We have successfully installed a number of bore holes and Indian hand pumps in schools, clinics and rural communities. This facility not only provides safe drinking water, but also a source of irrigation for school gardens to create sustainable feeding programs. As maize is rain dependent we have introduced sorghum seeds for schools, the crop requires less water, along with vegetable seeds. This has helped tremendously as all the maize crops in the area have failed. Sorghum provides a nutritional alternative to maize.

Our priority over the next few months will be to source funds to provide more remote schools and clinics with bore holes, and to donate extra seeds to to help alleviate hunger.


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Organization Information

The Butterfly Tree

Location: Banstead, Surrey - United Kingdom
Project Leader:
Jane Kaye-Bailey
Banstead , Surrey United Kingdom
$106,827 raised of $200,000 goal
103 donations
$93,173 to go
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