Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya

by Childline Kenya
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Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya
Shine A Light on Child Abuse in Kenya

Project Report | Oct 17, 2022
Subtle danger lurking in the shadows

By Martha Sunda | Executive Director, Childline Kenya

As violence against children continues to hurt individuals, families and whole communities a subtle but lethal phenomenon also lurks in the shadows threatening to grind life to a halt for several people…almost literally. The world has gone through tough seasons in the recent past including the COVID-19 pandemic, reducing funding for service delivery in communities and skyrocketing inflation. All these come with a lot of strains at different levels. It is no wonder therefore that the number of people, including children, who are sinking into depression is increasing at alarming rates sometimes resulting in suicide.

Mary, a 25-year-old mother of a handsome three-year-old boy wrote on her Facebook page of her intention to kill her baby and commit suicide to end her misery. She had gone through a very difficult patch in her life following the unexpected pregnancy and being left as a single mother. It did not help that she was also jobless and struggling to make ends meet. This scary post was flagged by a concerned adult and the same shared with the Childline Kenya team for mental health support.

Through the gentle guidance and therapy by an experienced professional counselor, Mary is gradually recovering from the depression and is thriving together with her son. Through the support of very dear friends of Childline and our GlobalGiving partners Mary has been able to set up a grocery store as a business to raise some money to sustain her and her son. She is also able to continue her therapy sessions.

Thankfully, her social media post was noted in good time and she was linked to the Child helpline team for immediate support. Many other individuals like Mary are in dire situations hoping for someone to “notice them” and bring the much needed help. Unfortunately, many do not get the opportunity or energy to raise their voice and ask for help. Child Helpline 116 service in Kenya exists for all children and their families to find help. Join us to spread the word to ensure that each ear hears this message and keeps it in memory to help any child hurting in any way. The helpline team is available every day 24/7 to provide this much needed assistance. The helpline services can be accessed through dialing 116 free of charge from anywhere in Kenya. Other channels of access to the helpline include WhatsApp: 0722116116, Email:, Facebook: Child Helpline 116-Kenya or Childline Kenya, Twitter: @childlinekenya). Anonymous reporting is encouraged with as much details as possible provided for the survivor to be found and assisted. The specific services provided include:

  1. Child and family therapy, for free, for children in distress and their families or community though the Helpline and one-on-one.
  2. Assistance in seeking justice for violated children free of charge to the child and their family.
  3. Referral and follow up cases of children for additional services including rescue and placement of the child in temporary safe shelter, medical support, mediation and other necessary support.
  4. Documentation of reported cases to track child protection trends in the country and the need for action.
  5. Informing and educating the public (including children) on keeping children safe and everyone’s role in it.

No one, indeed, no child, should be left behind in the journey to positive mental health. Speak Out, Find Help.

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Organization Information

Childline Kenya

Location: Nairobi - Kenya
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @childlinekenya
Project Leader:
Martha Sunda
Nairobi , Nairobi Kenya
$114,211 raised of $250,000 goal
3,162 donations
$135,789 to go
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