By Enouce Ndeche | Project Principle
Happy Holidays and Prosperous New Year
As the curtains for 2017 are rolling down, VAP fraternity would like to express its utmost ‘Thank You’ note to various individuals including: coaches, teachers, volunteers, well-wishers and staff who have given their unwavering support towards achieving what we had planned for the year 2017.We would as well like to stretch out our deepest ‘Thanks’ to various supporters, partners, and donors who have devoted their time and resources to help us make it possible. The year 2017 has had its share of challenges and successes but together we have managed to overcome. We have indeed changed the lives of many youth through football and this was truly made possible by your generous donations. As we warm-up again for the year 2018,we would like to wish everyone happy holidays and a prosperous 2018
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