By Enouce Ndeche | Project Principle
With the program focus being in schools, the first quarter of 2017 monitoring and evaluation meeting was held at VAP offices. The aim of the meeting was to evaluate and get updates from coaches regarding different programs taking place in various schools and community centres since the month of January. Led by master coaches and centre contact coaches, the meeting discussed the challenges and successes that have been encountered throughout the program and came out with mitigation plans to counter the challenges experienced.The newly recruited coaches had an apportunity to talk about their program experiences."Am happy to be part of the coaches and also am happy to go back to my former high school and teach my former school mates about the dangers of corruption." Said 19 years Benson.
VAP Hosts Swiss Academy for Development
On its mission to Nairobi, Swiss Academy for Development paid a courtesy call to VAP offices to witness firsthand the youth empowerment projects. The four hour visitation focused largely on Mrembo project and the usage of football as the conduit for social change addressing sexual reproductive issues and rights, and its linkage to employability skills through vocational trainings i.e. pastry , hair and beauty courses. Being a non-profit, non-governmental organization not affiliated with any political party or religious group, SAD has a considerable expertise in promoting interactive, participatory approaches to non-formal and life skills education applying a playful approach to learning.
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