By Melanie | Contributor
Nolibeth sales yoghurts, door-to-door. She was one of the first to be equipped with a solar kit which provides her with three lights and a telephone charger. And when June, the animator, heard her repeating how it had changed her life, he invited her to join the sales team. The success was instant: ‘‘She brought in 91 clients in six months, enthuses June. That’s much more than what we were doing before’’. Her technique is simple: ‘‘Every evening when it is dark I go to sell yogurts in the local streets. I take one of the portable kits and people see that the lights work well’’.
Nolibeth also helps with the installation of kits and the collection of the fees. She is happy that her neighbours can benefit from a clean and economical form of energy. And thanks to the additional income she gets from this activity, she sees a better future. ‘‘I plan to open a délicatessen and finance my daughters’ education’’.
Nolibeth received a Whole Food Planet Fondation in 2018.
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