Project Report
| Jun 24, 2019
What we should really give special needs children
By Catherine Sealys | President
Our work with children and their families is centered on providing the mimimum assistance because of limited resources i.e. disposibles - diapers, wipes, non perishable foods, assessments to ensure those who can attend mainstream education ae allowed to do so and those who can attend specialized educationl centers are given an opportunity as well.
What special needs children really need is to ensure every child/young/person with special needs have is independence and is included and to help them develop life skills, such as -
- Complex needs
- Sensory needs
- Physical needs
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- Life-limiting conditions
- Other needs.
Children with special needs required the same things others take for granted such as
- outings
- accessing community facilities
- promoting independence
- personal care
- specialist tasks.
Life would have been extremely difficult, in fact could have resulted in parents of special needs children having them in very unsanitory and unhealth situation without the help we have received so from our donors and supporters.
Your continued assistance is critical to help us achieve our goals for special needs children i.e -
- Raise public awareness on the challenges special needs children and by extentsion special needs persons face, both financially and culturally where special needs persons are just put in a corner and wait for them to die eventually.
- Influence society to advocate with us to intorduce improve policies and access for special needs persons
- Work with family , community and other local partners to develop strong networks to protect the rights of special needs persons
- Support the growth and development of solutions for families, especially preventative and early intervention services to provide a path for self sufficiency for special needs persons.
Your help is imperative.
Mar 25, 2019
By Catherine Sealys | President
Two years ago the government of Saint Lucia terminated the health assessment for special needs children, this assessment is necessary to make a critical evaluation of children who have special need to understand if they should be in mainstream educational institutions, we advocated for the reinstatement of the program however the Govt has never reinstated the specialists, instead they appointed a pediatrician who works at a public health institution without the necessary technical expertise and a language barrier and its been downhill from there for parents of special needs children who are unemployed or are underemployed because they need to provide care and protection to their special needs children.
Our appeal for assistance for vulnerable, poor and marginalized families with special needs children continues, we provide disposables and food items however the funding has not been able to provide the level of support required i.e. disposible, non perishables and medical assessment for all who require, the level of support has been to limited number of persons.
We get numerous call for assistance on a daily basis, we cannot do it alone and we continue to request assistance from donors so we may assist those who cannot assist themselves in this times.
Dec 26, 2018
By Catherine Sealys | President
While we have not raised any funding via our global giving platform for special needs children we continue to support with inkind donations from people who support our organisation from the USA.
We supply disposible pampers, wipes and non perishable items to a limited number of children and pay for assessment fees for those who their parents are not able and they need to attend school.
Many special needs children and their families because of their economic status i.e. marginalized and vulnerable are without the required support from state agencies because of budget cuts, they are discriminated on within the public education system and parents spend lots of time battling to security the right to meet their children's needs outside of the home.
The system for supporting children and young people with special needs is verging on crisis. Against a backdrop of increasing cuts to agency budgets, parents are having to deal with poor decision making on the part of government employees which frequently stems from a lack of understanding that all children regardless of their disabilities are citizens who deserve the same rights as everyone else
Special needs children are citizens too!