Sponsor the treatment of 50 Diabetic Patients

by SHINE Humanity
Sponsor the treatment of 50 Diabetic Patients
Sponsor the treatment of 50 Diabetic Patients
Sponsor the treatment of 50 Diabetic Patients
Sponsor the treatment of 50 Diabetic Patients

Project Report | Dec 28, 2023
Fareed's story - a Diabetic

By Rubina Husain and Marium Khan | Admin Assistant and Senior Associate Marketing

My name is Fareed, I am 45 years old and work as a laborer in the fields all day.  For the past few months I had begun experiencing intense fatigue, persistent thirst, and an overall decline in my physical well-being. It was a confusing and challenging time for me, as these symptoms seemed unrelated, and were affecting my livelihood. As a laborer I am used to working all day in the sun, but my health issues were also affecting my ability to work and provide for my family.

I sought treatment from SHINE Humanity's clinic, where their empathetic approach led to my diagnosis of Diabetes, marking the beginning of a comprehensive treatment plan that addressed not only the symptoms but also provided guidance on my lifestyle adjustments.

Thanks to SHINE Humanity, I've regained my energy, allowing me to resume my duties with renewed strength. I am sincerely thankful for their compassionate care, which has made a significant difference in my life.

SHINE Humanity's diabetes program plays an important part in diagnosing and treating Diabetes. We are grateful for your continued support to provide quality primary healthcare to the underserved communities.

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Organization Information

SHINE Humanity

Location: Irvine, CA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @SHINEHumanity
Project Leader:
Naila Ahmed
Tustin , CA United States

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