Sponsor an abandoned Senior Citizen in Pakistan

by Al-Mustafa Welfare Society
Sponsor an abandoned Senior Citizen in Pakistan
Sponsor an abandoned Senior Citizen in Pakistan
Sponsor an abandoned Senior Citizen in Pakistan
Sponsor an abandoned Senior Citizen in Pakistan
Sponsor an abandoned Senior Citizen in Pakistan
Sponsor an abandoned Senior Citizen in Pakistan
Sponsor an abandoned Senior Citizen in Pakistan
Sponsor an abandoned Senior Citizen in Pakistan

Project Report | Dec 13, 2023
A Sizzling BBQ Bash Igniting Joy at Al-Mustafa's Senior Citizen Home

By Sarah Ahmed | Project Leader

Al-Mustafa's senior citizens homes have been serving the abandoned elderly population with dedication and compassion for several years. 

This report aims to provide an overview of activities organized for the senior citizens living at Al-Mustafa's Senior Citizens' Home. The activities are aimed at creating a joyful and memorable experience for the residents, allowing them to socialize, enjoy delicious food, and enhance their overall well-being. Such activities also serve as a refreshing break from their daily routine and promote social interaction and the emotional well-being of our elders.


The idea of dedicating an evening to a B.B.Q. party was immediately appreciated by everyone. The staff and volunteers planned the activity, and everyone took part in preparing a festive dinner for the night—a variety of B.B.Q. Dishes, including grilled meats, kebabs, desserts and other B.B.Q. Must-haves were carefully selected to cater to the residents' dietary preferences and restrictions. Special attention was given to ensuring a nutritious and balanced menu so that everyone could enjoy the culinary delights.

This party was a resounding success, with many heartwarming moments and happy memories for the senior citizens. All the senior residents actively participated in the activity and indulged in the delectable spread of grilled dishes and desserts. 

The party provided an excellent opportunity for the senior citizens to socialize and bond with each other, as well as with the staff and volunteers. The conversations and laughter shared throughout the event reflected the positive impact of such gatherings.

A Birthday Celebration and a One-Dish Party

A group of our community volunteers celebrated a one-dish party with the residents of our senior citizens' home for females. The event aimed to bring joy and happiness to the elderly residents. The primary goal of the event was to create a cheerful and memorable experience for the elderly residents at Al-Mustafa's Old Age Home. Additionally, the celebration was intended to honour a specific birthday, making it a doubly special occasion.

Along with a cake to celebrate the birthday, the one-dish party offered a delectable spread of fruit salads, sandwiches, Dahi Baday, pasta, chips, biryani and many other dishes.

The joyful expressions on the faces of our cute old ladies as they participated in the activities were everything. The heartwarming moment when the birthday celebrant blew out the candles surrounded by their friends and the laughter that filled the room they have created an atmosphere of happiness and togetherness.

University Students Visits

As part of our mission to provide holistic care, we occasionally organize a series of visits by university students to our senior citizens' homes. These visits aim to foster intergenerational connections and create enriching experiences for both the senior citizens and the students.

  • Activities during the visits

A range of activities are organized during the visits to ensure meaningful engagement. These included interactive sessions, games, and cultural events. We designed activities that fostered intergenerational learning, provided opportunities for reminiscence, and promoted well-being. 

  • Impact on senior citizens

The visits significantly impacted the senior citizens' overall well-being and quality of life. Through interactions with the students, they experienced a sense of renewed joy, companionship, and a feeling of being connected to the younger generation. Many seniors shared their gratitude for the opportunity to share their life experiences, wisdom, and insights with the enthusiastic students. Some even formed strong bonds with the students, creating lasting friendships.

  • Benefits for university students

The visits also yielded valuable benefits for the university students. The firsthand experience of interacting with older adults provided them with a unique perspective on ageing and the challenges faced by the elderly. Students reported an increased sense of empathy, improved communication skills, and a greater appreciation for the contributions of senior citizens to society. The visits also stimulated personal growth and sparked an interest in pursuing careers related to gerontology or social service.


All these interactive activities successfully created a joyous and memorable experience for the elderly residents. We are grateful for your support, which allowed us to bring happiness and positive moments into the lives of these individuals. With your continued generosity, we can continue to organize such events and make a difference in the lives of the elderly community at Al-Mustafa's Old Age Homes.

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Organization Information

Al-Mustafa Welfare Society

Location: Karachi, Sind - Pakistan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @MustafaSociety
Project Leader:
Ahmed Raza Tayyab
Karachi , Sind Pakistan

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