Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child

by COANIQUEM Burned Children Foundation
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child

Project Report | Feb 19, 2014
Mother Praises Rehabilitation of Burned Son

By Carolyn Schuetz | Director/Treasurer, COANIQUEM BCF

Here is Victor's story as told by his mother .. . 

Hello, my name is Gloria and I am Victor’s mom. My son is 3 years old and got burned by the overturning of a kettle in 2011, when he was only one year old. This occurred at our home in Villa Alemana, and after being treated at three medical centers in the area, we moved to San Borja Arriaran Hospital in Santiago, where he stayed for two months.

When Victor was discharged, I reached COANIQUEM by mail, receiving an immediate response to my request of admitting my son as a rehabilitation patient. Since July 4th 2011, we and the wonderful medical team have been giving our best for my son’s full recovery. It's been a long process and there is still a long road ahead, but thanks to COANIQUEM, my son lives a completely normal life.

Now, two years after that fateful day, we attend every three months to the Rehabilitation Center of Santiago. We stay at Casabierta totally free, which is great, because it would be very hard to afford a place to stay. Besides, living with the staff and other moms is a great opportunity as we support each other sharing our experiences. There is a hospital school, so children do not miss classes during their treatment and they are not left behind in their studies. There are even workshops for parents where we learn handcrafting, sewing and prepare our traditional food.

It is very rewarding to share with all the amazing people who work in COANIQUEM. The staff’s huge heart and passion for children is noticed and appreciated infinitely.

. . . .   As many as 8,000 children per year live stories such as this.  Your support makes their continuing care possible.

Thank you!

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Organization Information

COANIQUEM Burned Children Foundation

Location: Livermore, CA - USA
Project Leader:
Carolyn Schuetz
Alameda , CA United States

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