Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child

by COANIQUEM Burned Children Foundation
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child
Sponsor the Care of a Latin American Burned Child

Project Report | Jan 29, 2015
Chilean President Bachelet Visits COANIQUEM Center

By Carolyn Schuetz | DIrector/Treasurer, COANIQUEM BCF

President Bachelet, Dr Jorge Rojas, and patient
President Bachelet, Dr Jorge Rojas, and patient

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet visited the COANIQUEM Burn Rehabilitation Center on December 24, 2014.

She came in support of the "Alto al Fuego 2014-15" ("No burns in 2014-15") campaign to reduce the incidence of severe burns from household fireworks.  Fireworks are part of Chilean tradition at the new year and other times of celebration.

Since the founding of COANIQUEM in 1979, burns from fireworks accounted for a significant percentage of children treated at the center in Santiago. 

In 2002 the Chilean legislature passed a law forbidding the use of household fireworks, limiting them to public and commercial displays.  COANIQUEM played a key role in lobbying for this law, and members of the COANIQUEM Burned Children Foundation Board of Directors (including this author!) were present in the chambers when the vote was taken.

Great celebration!  Without fireworks, of course!

Burns from fireworks have been reduced gradually, but greatly, since 2002.  However, annual prevention campaigns continue to remind families of the dangers to children. 

Of course, COANIQUEM conducts prevention education on a variety of causes of childhood burns.

It is heartening to see the support of President Bachelet for these prevention efforts. 

Seen in the pictures are President Bachelet; Dr Jorge Rojas, founder and President of COANIQUEM; members of the COANIQUEM medical staff; and legislative representatives.  The child patient must have been impressed!?

President Bachelet with COANIQUEM Staff
President Bachelet with COANIQUEM Staff
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Organization Information

COANIQUEM Burned Children Foundation

Location: Livermore, CA - USA
Project Leader:
Carolyn Schuetz
Alameda , CA United States

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