Support Families Who Have a Terminally Ill Child

by Rainbow Trust Children's Charity
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Support Families Who Have a Terminally Ill Child
Support Families Who Have a Terminally Ill Child
Support Families Who Have a Terminally Ill Child

Project Report | Dec 11, 2019
A Festive Thank You

By Hanne Widmer | Project Leader

Jenson in Family Support Worker's arms
Jenson in Family Support Worker's arms

Thank you so much for supporting children with serious illnesses by funding our projects to give quality time to children and their families at a difficult time in their lives.

You may remember reading about Dawn. She is one of our Family Support Workers supporting Clare and Steve, whose son Jenson has Down’s syndrome, heart and lung problems and needs oxygen 24/7. He also has feeding difficulties so needs a specialist feeding tube and in the run up to Christmas was diagnosed with pneumonia and admitted to hospital.

Dawn helps Clare and Steve’s beautiful family in different ways.

She will get to their home at 7am to help the children get ready and take them to school while Clare and Jenson are in hospital.

Or she may drive Clare and Jenson to hospital so Clare can look after him during the journey.

Dawn will support Jenson’s brother and four sisters emotionally through play, crafts and even making biscuits. This encourages the children to open up, talk about their concerns and share their worries, giving them tools to better cope with the difficult situation their family is going through.

She listens to Clare and her husband, Steve, and supports them emotionally, giving them time to deal with their situation.

She may help them fill in forms and point them in the right direction of help the family may be entitled to.

She often helps with one-to-one sessions with one of Jenson’s sister, who is on the autistic spectrum. Or she may look after some of the other siblings, making them feel valued and helping with their self-esteem.

When the family needs her, Rainbow Trust Family Support Worker Dawn is there for them.

This is only possible thanks to the donations of friends and supporters like you. We are very grateful for your generosity and support to help life-threatened or seriously ill children and their families.

Please spread some Christmas joy this festive season and donate to Rainbow Trust’s project to help raise funds to reach the 23 families on our waiting lists who are caring for a life-threatened or seriously ill child.

Wishing you a wonderful and peaceful Christmas.

Thank you.

Jenson in Family Support Worker's arms
Jenson in Family Support Worker's arms


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Organization Information

Rainbow Trust Children's Charity

Location: Leatherhead, Surrey - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @RainbowTrustCC
Project Leader:
Hanne Widmer
Leatherhead , Surrey United Kingdom
$31,073 raised of $40,000 goal
646 donations
$8,927 to go
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