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Project Report | Apr 30, 2021
Helping Where We Can

By Jenny Byrne | Fundraising & Communications Officer

Ready for breakfast at Helping Hands!
Ready for breakfast at Helping Hands!

The last three months have been something of a mixed bag for Globalteer, with rules changing regularly both in Peru and Cambodia. It has been most difficult for our community and education projects, but we have been doing what we can, whenever we can. And thankfully, rules in Peru eased enough that we were able finally to re-start our animal welfare project activities! Read the more below…



Helping Hands: After Helping Hands opened its doors again in January, we were over the moon to welcome our students back, including 52 new ones! We introduced gardening lessons for our older students this year, so they can learn how to look after the land and grow crops. They started off by planting long bean, chili and eggplant in our on-site garden, which is looking amazing! Our Child Protection Program also kicked off again, offering child safety lessons to children of all ages, so they can learn to keep themselves safe.

Sports Program: As well as welcoming the Helping Hands children back to the sports field, we were able to start our outreach program, taking sports to children in six primary schools in the area. Cambodian children don’t generally have access to sport at school, so they really enjoyed the new activities and challenges. With the support of our donors, we were also able to purchase new equipment to keep our sessions varied, entertaining and, of course, fun!

More Closures: However, after the initial high of 2021, a new outbreak of Covid-19 sadly caused the Cambodian government to close schools once again in March. With case numbers still on the increase, we aren’t sure when we will be able to open again, but we are ready and waiting to get going as soon as we can!



Picaflor House: Peru’s children were more than ready to return to school when the academic year started in mid-March, but continued high case numbers meant in-person classes were postponed further. Our kids are home-schooling again, so our teachers are back on the phones to support them in whatever way they can. The government is reassessing if rural schools can return to face-to-face classes soon, and if this gets approved, we will jump at the chance to invite smaller groups of kids to Picaflor House for shorter amounts of time. The teachers have identified that support with schoolwork and internet access are the children’s most pressing needs, and of course, the sooner the children can play in our playground and take part in sports or outside activities, the better!

Women’s Empowerment: With the return of restrictions after the end of year holidays, we haven’t been able to make further progress with our Women’s Empowerment project for now. However, GlobalGiving’s International Women’s Week campaign did give us a boost, as we raised almost $650 for the project! We’re excited to be able to use this money to help more women become financially independent, as soon as possible.

PAWS Animal Welfare: We are thrilled to announce that the PAWS mobile clinic is up and running again! Our brand-new veterinary team (Joel, the head vet; Anally, the vet’s assistant; and Alan, the driver/admin assistant) have been visiting the rural villages around Cusco since the beginning of April. They have visited five villages so far, and have carried out initial health checks and basic treatments for over 800 dogs and cats. We have had great uptake from the villagers and already have some dogs signed up for sterilizations, that we hope to be able to start in early May.


Whatever the next few months bring, we hope to be able to share more progress and good news with you soon. For now, all that remains is to say a huge THANK YOU to you, our wonderful supporters!

If you would like to help us continue our work, please make a donation via our project page and share our page with your family and friends!

Oso at his first check up with the PAWS vets
Oso at his first check up with the PAWS vets
We hope to see smiling faces at Picaflor soon!
We hope to see smiling faces at Picaflor soon!


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Organization Information


Location: Totnes - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Stephen Elliott
Totnes , United Kingdom
$532 raised of $5,000 goal
17 donations
$4,468 to go
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