Support Women Building Lives Free from Violence

by Fondo de Mujeres del Sur
Support Women Building Lives Free from Violence
Support Women Building Lives Free from Violence
Support Women Building Lives Free from Violence
Support Women Building Lives Free from Violence
Support Women Building Lives Free from Violence
Support Women Building Lives Free from Violence
Support Women Building Lives Free from Violence
Support Women Building Lives Free from Violence

Project Report | Feb 17, 2021
Why are Women's Funds important?

By Rocio Alonso | Project Leader

Together, Stronger and Alive
Together, Stronger and Alive

2021 has come and, despite the immense difficulties of 2020, the FMS team and all organizations building lives free from violence are working stronger than ever!

As the year starts, we wanted to share with you more information on our work. You may already know, we are a Women’s Fund. It’s stated in our name. But you may wonder, what exactly is that?

A women's fund is a philanthropic organization governed by women, whose primary purpose is to provide financial support to women-led organizations that advance the leadership and empowerment of women and LBTIQ+ people. So, at FMS, we finance and support grassroots initiatives, organizations, and networks that work to achieve transformative results towards gender equality and justice. Our goal is to strengthen women, feminist and diversity movements, from a human rights-based approach, gender perspective, empowerment, intersectionality, and interculturality.

So, why are Women’s Funds important?

You can learn more about this on this video we made together with our partners at Women's Fund Asia @wfasia, Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas @fimi_iiwf, and African Women's Development Fund @theawdf 


You have a fundamental role: your support makes this possible. With your donation, you provide these organizations with resources, strengthen their work and help amplify their voices. Thank you once again!

International Women's Day

March 8th is right around the corner. We would like to celebrate International Women's Day with you all as it is a very special date to raise our voices for a world free from gender-based violence. We will be participating in the International Women’s Week fundraising campaign, from 8M to 12M, and we really hope we can count on your support. 

This 2021 we are aiming to achieve our $10.000 goal and multiply our impact.

As usual, we would be really happy to hear from you. Remember you can write directly to and don’t forget to follow our social media.

Thanks to you we can be Together, Stronger and Alive!

Have a great 2021!!


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Organization Information

Fondo de Mujeres del Sur

Location: Cordoba - Argentina
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @fmujeresdelsur
Project Leader:
Rocío Alonso
Cordoba , Cordoba Argentina

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