Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa

by Keep The Dream196
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa

Project Report | Dec 14, 2021
Greetings from wet, soggy camp 2021

By Louise and the KTD196 Dream Team | Jack of all trades, master of none!

The Cub Fun Day!!
The Cub Fun Day!!

What a wet soggy camp we had!!!

In the course of 7days, we ran an introduction to Adult Leadership course for 3days, we ran stage 2 Warrant training for 5days (yes we deliberately overlapped the courses), we had 62 scouts aged between 11—18yrs for the whole 7days doing skills camping AND we had 84 cubs aged between 5-10.5yrs of age for a one day Cub FUN DAY!.

NOW, we are totally finished. The kids and adults alike loved it, none wanted to go home, even though it was raining for 5 out of 7days (thank God the last 2days were dry so we could pack the tents away). We are out of practice, we usually camp for at least 6 times throughout the year plus 3weeks during the June-July school holidays and 2weeks during the September school holidays but sadly, because of covid, we have been unable to go camping properly for two years.

The kids have loved the extra skills development, they have earned all sorts of badges and given them extra focus to go back to their groups and share their new knowledge over the holidays.

I thought you might like some pictures of the kids but also I uploaded to our YouTube account two videos. The first is of the children learning what to do in case they catch fire (many parents cook on open fires) 

the second is a celebration of completing stage 2 Adult training for our young leaders and Rovers and how we celebrate. I hope you enjoy being part of the celebration.

Your legacy lives on, some of these young kids that you see are actually 5th generation of our program. Many of the young adults that are graduating as leaders started as kids in our program 15+years ago, they are the 3rd generation. It is a legacy we are building because of you. They are passionate about giving back to their communities and through your support they are not only realising their dreams but also the purpose of KTD196. The young adults are all, except one in university in their final years, some are teachers, two accountants, and one psychologist, others are doing various other degrees. Again because of your support, they have focus to realise their dreams despite the opposition of covid, poverty and other issues.

Thank you for being such a huge part of what we do and achieve. Thank you for seeing the impact and wanting to be part of the children’s life story, part of their victory over their circumstances. Thank you for trusting us to continue to produce the impact that drew you into KTD196 in the first place.

You are essential to our success, thank you again



Cub fun day participants
Cub fun day participants
Fire prevention activities
Fire prevention activities
Prospective Fireman in the making perhaps?
Prospective Fireman in the making perhaps?


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Organization Information

Keep The Dream196

Location: Tzaneen, Limpopo - South Africa
Project Leader:
Louise Batty
Tzaneen , Limpopo South Africa
$96,291 raised of $250,000 goal
1,521 donations
$153,709 to go
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