By Louise and the KTD196 Dream Team | Jack of all trades, master of none!
Avuxeni, Min Jani (Hello, how are you?)
Thank you for the huge difference your support is making to the children we serve. The money we raise goes towards implementing our children's program, subsidizing all of our activities, training, monitoring, implementation, evaluation etc. Knowing you have our backs is huge, thank you!
Also, I want to thank those who answered the call to start monthly donation giving, that is awesome. You are so amazing. It helps us so much to be able to plan effectively knowing we have whatever amounts coming in on a monthly basis.
Regarding thank-you notes, when someone donates for the first time they receive an email outlining our activities and impact. Once you donate again or monthly, then you receive a personal note from me. Except for those who choose to donate anonymously, I cannot determine if you have donated before so I sent the same thank you each time. I do apologize but that is the system we have to work with. Also, for those who use cheques, these cheques may only appear on my system 6-8weeks after the fact, which may mean they don’t appear on my screen and I have to go back a page or so to find them. Why is this an issue, I may not see your gift until months later so I cannot send thank you’s timeously. It’s not that we don’t care or appreciate your gift it’s the system with which we work. GG wait until the money has cleared before it appears on our system.
Whew, we have been back to work 2weeks and already it feels like 2months, so much has happened! I don’t know about you but it seems like 2022 has opened with a bang, where last year everyone was slow to get going, hesitant to make plans, reluctant to invest too much time and energy due to Lockdowns hanging over our heads, this year is totally different.
Already in January I have had two donor meetings and a planned site visit at the end of the month.
All staff have returned to the deck and are ready to take on the world which is exciting. We have picked up a number of new groups and children over the Christmas period which is exciting. We also have scheduled training of adults to run our program in Feb and July.
We have a number of young leaders who also have been trained in the introduction phase, they are passionate about continuing that training and about furthering that training and forming a training team under KTD196 to extend our reach, capacity, and resources. This will make the organization far more sustainable past myself and Elizabeth (the founders). All of these young adults have grown up in our program and understand its value, oh and they are volunteering and giving their best.
We are currently getting our finances organized for an audit after March so you can rest assured we are doing the work we say we are doing, that all our policies and procedures are being adhered to and our financial accountability is maintained. To that end, I realized I did not give you financial feedback from 2020’s financial year. Although I offered to forward if you would like to see our full financials I didn’t give a breakdown, so I will now.
Sadly it is difficult to share real figures (due to issues of confidentiality and having these reports in a public space) If you would like a complete copy of our Annual Financial Statements please just ask and I will forward happily.
Admin and Management Costs including rent, electricity, audit, book keeper etc. 18%
Project Costs all activities and costs associated with the projects we run 82%
Total 100%
I had prepared a graph but am unable to insert it here, unfortunately. Please see below as an attachment
As you can see in previous years we have increased our Admin and Management costs marginally. 18% which is very good for non-programmatic costs so I hope you are pleased. No one likes to talk about these costs but they are necessary to remain an accountable, effective organization.
Anyway, I thought you would like to be kept in the loop, please let me know if this is not what you want to know or see. Also if you could let me know if you have any questions that you specifically have or any comments you would like to make I would be happy to answer your questions.
I look forward to next week.
Blessings and take care
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