Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa

by Keep The Dream196
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa
Lifeskills 2,743 vulnerable children South Africa

Project Report | Oct 19, 2022
Celebrating the top achievers - Cubs and Scouts!

By Louise and the KTD196 Dream Team | Jack of all trades, master of none!

Our 3 Springboks recipients, such a solem time!
Our 3 Springboks recipients, such a solem time!


While at camp we celebrated 4 young Cubs and 3 Scouts all of whom earnt the top NATIONAL AWARD!!

What excites me, which is obvious is the effort the kids have all put into earning these distinguished awards! The leadership skills they have learned and the character they have developed is stunning. This is a huge achievement for rural scouting.

What also THRILLS me is KTD196 pushed years ago (over the last 19yrs) for a national program to not only meet the rural scout/cub's needs but also that was flexible to allow alternatives to high-resource activities. Let me explain, research was done by Scouts and it was determined that for a scout to achieve the Springbok level would require approximately R80,000 or $5,300USD to attend the activities, have the required equipment etc to be able to advance to Springbok level. Through working with the Cub and Scout National Program team changes have been made to allow, for example, scouts to make their own tents out of Miele pap bags (a fibrous course woven bag covered in a plastic film) and not to have to rely on having a canvas or nylon tent. This meant the kids could make their own tents, and go camping any time of the year not wait for the 1 or 2 opportunities we provide throughout the year.

With the new program called Entsha, our kids are achieving Springbok for the first time. The Entsha program for scouts started just prior to Covid, we were a pilot area. Now since Covid, we have had 4 Springboks with a potential 5 more coming up the ranks. We also have a new Cub Program, and because of the support of Nkulu (who you have met before on GG) who is now the National Cub Program person, we are seeing Cubs achieve Leaping Wolf status for the first time for KTD196.

Through your support we have been able to purchase resources such as first aid dummies, compasses, map's, axes etc for the kids to learn essential skills. As KTD196 we focus on the soft skills of good character, caring, supporting, loving, empowering, and communication skills, and it's all wrapped up in FUN!

This week is all about the pictures. I hope you enjoy knowing that you are responsible for the achievement. You are part of the success through your support.



Our 4 Leaping Wolves. Such a wonderful day!
Our 4 Leaping Wolves. Such a wonderful day!


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Organization Information

Keep The Dream196

Location: Tzaneen, Limpopo - South Africa
Project Leader:
Louise Batty
Tzaneen , Limpopo South Africa
$96,277 raised of $250,000 goal
1,520 donations
$153,723 to go
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