By Louise and the KTD196 Dream Team | Director
One of the many things I love about my job is that I get to be a part of all the fun, we get to decide what we want to do, when we want to do it, how we want to do it, and how to fund it.
That is where you come in. You support us and so you assist in funding some of the aspects of the work we do.
So, we decided to have a color fun run and focus on Children's Rights as an advocacy event. We are wanting to raise peoples understanding regarding the serious subject of Children's Right's, Child Participation and Child Protection. We invited the children to participate, and to bring their parents, to hear about the 3 prongs of our program and what is required to realise Children's Rights.
After the presentation to the participants, the children then released the color paint and then the participants run through the villages, as those who were looking on in awe and shock of 150 plus children plus parents chanting about having Children's Rights and wanting to participate in society especially the family, school and community. As adults looking on are speaking about what is happening, children and parents stop and engage these adults in discussions about what is happening and why.
It is an awesome way to educate and engage people in a non threatening manner. Some people expressed their desire to be a part of the initial awareness raising and in future would like to be invited to assist children to have a voice. Of course these are mainly young adults but it is a place to start.
We have started our adventure, the children had a ball, the parents were amazed and on lookers where, well, gobsmacked.
I love my job!
You make it so easy to do really powerful and impactful activities and to build upon those activties to change lives not just now, but lasting change. We decided to have the Fun Run in Shiluvane and start where Thulani was shot only 3 weeks earlier. We will not be moved, we will not be shaken, and we will reclaim rights stolen from the children, that of safety and protection.
Thank you for seeing the value of the work we do, obviously this is just one small activity in the framework of the whole, but I love the fun. Please watch the videos and share messages with us of encouragement. I hope you enjoy!
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