Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe

by Makomborero
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Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe
Mobile Science Lab to Impact students in Zimbabwe

Project Report | Nov 29, 2017
Mobilising, regrouping and strategising

By Rumbie Mzenda | Fundraiser , Events Coordinator

Portable outdoor equipment
Portable outdoor equipment

After a successful 7 week  Biology pilot programme run in the Mobile Science Lab, it was time to go back to the drawing board. Lessons left from these pilot sessions have been taken on board and adjustments made to the curriculum and how we run things.  This third term is a busy term with National and International examinations and the Mobile Laboratory has sat empty but not idle!  We have used this time to sort equipment, obtain equipment needed and put better systems in place.



A new storage room was built on the verandah of Resource Centre (as seen in the pictures below) to allow proper storage and labelling of all the apparatus and locking away safely of all chemicals. We could not have done this without the generous donations both locally and from GlobalGiving. We have also be able to purchase two gazebo tents to sit under for our out door lesson time, as well as proper folding outside tables and benches that store beautifully in the lab when all packed up. This will allow us to carry on with outside lessons even during the rainy season.  Please note that expenditure is in US$.


The Maker Club

We had a Makomborero Camp which brought together all the internal and external students. During one of the days, we had The Maker Club, which is an organisation that teaches young people to apply their technical knowledge practically, run a robotics and leadership workshop. A fantastic full day was run and our students all took part in making 4 four-legged robots. Days like this confirm our desire to see all students in Zimbabwe access knowledge that is not only theoretical but practical too.  


Going Forward

Our Science Teacher, Tongai is busy packing and preparing the storage room according to the experiments for the next sessions.  With so much incredible equipment at our disposal, having it well ordered and knowing what is needed for what lessons will help us to fully utilise all that we have been donated.  Recruitment of the students will take place as soon as schools open in January. We expect an overwhelming response as there have been a lot of enquiries about when the next sessions kick off. Parents of the previous students have been impressed by the growing interest in their children towards the Science subjects and we loved seeing their beaming faces as they made the connections with theory and practical work!


We are excited to see what the new year holds with the Mobile Science Lab.  We are thrilled to say that we have received an incredible off line donation which will see the close of this campaign for the next 6 months!  So thank you to all of you who have made this dream a reality.  We will run two sessions per Saturday during the first term of 2018 and look forward to seeing an increase in sessions each term!

New Storeroom
New Storeroom
Shelving inside the storeroom
Shelving inside the storeroom
The Maker Club
The Maker Club
Testing the robot
Testing the robot


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Organization Information


Location: Sidcup, Kent - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @MakomboreroUK
Project Leader:
Laura Albertyn
Sidcup , Kent United Kingdom

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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