Education  Kenya Project #28378

Empowerment Hub for Teenage Mothers

by Community Focus Group (CFG)
Empowerment Hub for Teenage Mothers
Empowerment Hub for Teenage Mothers
Empowerment Hub for Teenage Mothers
Empowerment Hub for Teenage Mothers
Empowerment Hub for Teenage Mothers
Empowerment Hub for Teenage Mothers
Empowerment Hub for Teenage Mothers
Empowerment Hub for Teenage Mothers

Project Report | Sep 12, 2022
We Are Enrolling !

By Pamela Ateka | Project leader

Our project has recently graduated a wonderful  teen mum ,
Ruth is 18 years old; she is the first born in a family of three and a mother of a one
year and eight months baby boy. Having being raised in a polygamous family she
has seen a lot in life. Her mother was chased out of their matrimonial home, denied
her inheritance because defying the cultural practices of wife inheritance after the
husband passed on. Due to financial challenges, she was unable to proceed with
her education and dropped out I class seven. Her frustration did not end there. In
the process of looking for a way of earning a living to help her mother support the
family. She met a bodaboda rider who took advantage of her and made her
pregnant later denied taking responsibility. She has been offering laundry services
to nearby household for a small fee as a means of earning a living. This has taken
her toll of her dreams and aspiration as a young girl who has been raised through a
lot of hardship.
CFG has support many teen mothers to enhance their potential as a stepping stone
in achieving their dreams because we believe dreams are valid. Ruth heard about
the 100 girl’s initiative but she was not absorbed immediately due to Covid related
issues and lack of funds to support this program. Her zeal and patience have made
her consistence to follow up if there is hope to be admitted to start the skill-based
program. She began her training recently on the 10/2/2022 which will last for 6
months. Ruth will be learning skills on hairdressing. She was very excited to join
the training and she is vividly looking forward to be the best student in this cohort.
Her future plans are to work hard and one day own her own salon and offer the
same opportunity to other young girl who have had similar challenges in life. Ruth graduated in August , CFG is currently in the process of enrolling new teen moms to acquire skills to be able to forge sustainable livelihoods. 
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Organization Information

Community Focus Group (CFG)

Location: Nairobi - Kenya
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @CFGkenya
Project Leader:
Pamela Ateka
Nairobi , Kenya
$14,140 raised of $50,000 goal
140 donations
$35,860 to go
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