Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya

by Olalo of Hope - Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya
Urgent Medical Saves and Changes Lives in Kenya

Project Report | Jan 7, 2016
YOU are Saving Lives in Kenya..Thank You!

By Merry Broughal | Project Leader

The month of December has always been one of my favorites, but thanks to YOU, it is now my absolute most favorite month ever…and I so humbly Thank You for it!

Your generosity helped Olalo of Hope-Kenya meet its Challenge goal of $8,200 through GlobalGiving even before the end of the campaign on 12/31. It is because of YOU that the poor of Oyugis, Kenya will be able to receive the urgent medical care and medications they would otherwise go without.

Having met our goal, we are excited to be able to increase the number of people we can supply with a daily multi-vitamin for a year. We are currently working out the logistics of a cost effective and simplified distribution plan to make it as easy as possible for families to receive their monthly supply of vitamins. We also want to ensure a level of accountability from families who have never participated in an ongoing program that will take them a little time getting used to.

The balance of our project funds make it possible for Olalo of Hope-Kenya to continue to pay for urgent medical care for both kids and adults who need help and would not seek treatment because of their poverty. We are now able to increase the number of people that we can get to local hospitals whether it be for doctor consultations (at $1 each, that’s a lot of visits!), or testing for prevalent diseases such as typhoid or malaria, medications, antibiotics, x-rays, overnight hospital stays and other medical needs that arise.

Olalo heard from a young man whose mum was extremely ill but was recovering well after our volunteers got her to the hospital. “…they took her to the hospital for medication. Thanks for helping save her life for me, she is the only thing I have and live for...God bless you and your family.”

We are excited to be able to expand our reach to those in need. When we get to hear back from those we’ve helped it’s a bonus day for us.

You will be able to access the project reports to see how we are progressing by signing into our GlobalGiving project. You can also sign up to receive the Olalo of Hope-Kenya newsletter by emailing us at Olalo.of.hope@gmail.com for updates and to learn about a new upcoming project on GobalGiving.

Thank you again for your support! You are saving lives, giving hope and restoring health to the poorest of the poor. Watch for our next project on GlobalGiving. Enhancing, improving and saving lives is addicting!

Nyasaye Ogwedhu!
Merry Broughal
Olalo of Hope-Kenya

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Organization Information

Olalo of Hope - Kenya

Location: Gladstone, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @merry_olalo
Project Leader:
Merry Broughal
Gladstone , OR United States

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