This micro project provides new dresses to the underprivileged children. 40 abandoned orphan children studying I to X Std & age between 5 to 15 years. They lack proper dresses to wear. They always depend on used dresses donated by local people. These abandoned children feel sorrowful. This problem can be solved by providing 2 pairs of new dresses to the children. 40 orphan children get benefit from this micro project. With this, they feel happy and confident.
The underprivileged children are not having proper dresses to wear. They always depending on the mercy of local donors who give used dresses of their children. Some times they feel pity for themselves to wear worn out and old dresses. This micro project will solve discontent of 40 abandoned orphan children.
This micro project solves this problem by providing new dresses to the 40 underprivileged children, which are needful for them. Children feel happy and it also improves their confidence in other aspects. They will not feel pity for themselves. They feel loved.
This project has potential & impact full in main streaming of orphans & street children. Their basic needs are met & they will get new life through gaining knowledge, vocational skills & life skills. They will get love & affection as if their parents provides. Their confidence level will increase & become good asset to the community. They are developed physically & psychologically & made as good & productive citizens. They will inspire by philanthropy & show humanity towards the community.