It is heartbreaking to even contemplate that a newborn baby could be abandoned into life threatening danger by being left by the side of the road or in a garbage bin. Sadly, our team finds these babies all too often, some badly injured, malnourished or suffering with mental and other health issues, including disabilities and HIV/AIDS. Our doors are open to all without discrimination to deliver the highest levels of support and medical care and find loving families for every unwanted child.
29.6 million children are orphaned & abandoned each year in India. Healthy babies are illegally adopted while girls & babies with disabilities are abandoned or killed. With 88 rapes in India every day pregnant girls face stigmas & unsupported by their families, risk illegal abortions or give birth in secret. COVID is causing more rapes & unwanted pregnancies & we are already 20% over capacity. With hospitals closed, home deliveries are resulting in more deformities & serious health conditions.
We provide shelter, pre & post-natal care, counseling, vocational, educational & legal support allowing women & girls to give birth safely & a second chance in life. Many babies are voluntarily left with us, including orphans or those with special needs & our teams & volunteers bring us abandoned babies. Those who survive are very fragile or premature, requiring intensive care. Outreach work promotes our center & maternal healthcare & helps identify pregnant girls or women in need.
Since 2006, our government-approved adoption center has found families for 1,000 babies, including the first HIV+ adopted baby in India. Our emergency medics & nurses keep our infants alive & safe &, despite 4-6 infants per month requiring hospitalization, we have a survival rate of 98%. Around 700 women have been supported to give birth, with 3-5 per month requiring hospitalization for regular or caesarean deliveries. We have helped them to keep or, following counselling, adopt their babies.
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