Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies

by Snehalaya 'Home of Love'
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Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies

Project Report | Mar 15, 2016
Help keep our babies safe

By Joyce Connolly | Honorary Director

In three months, thanks to your generosity, another 14 abandoned babies have been rescued and welcomed in at our Snehankur Adoption Centre. Often they are abandoned at birth by young women concealing a rape and too scared to access vital medical support and post-natal care for fear of being ostracized in their communities. Two such babies were extremely low in their birth weights and needed extra love and ICU treatment to survive. Your support allows dedicated professionals to offer round the clock emergency care and our two premature babies are now safe and thriving. Three of our younger residents have started preschool, taking the first steps into education.

Snehankur aspires to be the ‘go to’ safe haven for every vulnerable child and baby throughout our local district. In the coming months we are planning intensive outreach activity to help spread the word to rape victims and unmarried mothers that we offer a safe and loving sanctuary where they can bring their babies without judgement or recrimination.

Now, more than ever, our infants need your support. We receive no money from the government to cover the costs of looking after the babies left in our care, so we desperately need your help in meeting expenses for essential supplies such as milk powder, purified water, disinfectants, nappies, vaccinations and medical tests and treatments to ensure their healthy child development and safe adoption. We are also running out of room so are happy to report that we have recently completed the first phase of a new 4000 square feet site which will provide improved facilities such as an older children's room, a play area, an isolation room and a neonatal intensive care unit.

By becoming a regular donor of this project for just $10 or £5 a month you can help provide much needed help and support to a new born baby and their mother. If you can consider forgoing one small luxury a month to help a helpless child please click the currency you wish to give in to SAVE LIVES.

Help keep our babies safe

Since January, Snehankur has also found adoptive families for 16 babies. We take pride in finding these safe and loving homes for our rescued children. However, we are concerned that the Indian government is now in the process of making drastic changes to the current adoption guidelines. By moving the process online and removing some of the current vetting processes it will now be easier and quicker for anyone, including traffickers and non-Indians, to adopt a child. We would like to see a stricter and more controlled system in place that allows for continued dialogue before and after children have been placed in adoptive homes.

 You can help us to ensure abandoned children are not exploited. Sign and share this petition to the Indian President asking him to tighten the Indian adoption process before it’s too late.

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Organization Information

Snehalaya 'Home of Love'

Location: Ahmednagar, Maharashtra - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @snehalaya
Project Leader:
Joyce Connolly
epsom , Surrey United Kingdom

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