Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies

by Snehalaya 'Home of Love'
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Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies
Safe care and adoption for Indian Babies

Project Report | Sep 12, 2016
From rock bottom to happy ever after

By Ajay Wabale | Project Manager, Snehankur Adoption Center

Ajay & Priti celebrate Kavita's 1st birthday
Ajay & Priti celebrate Kavita's 1st birthday

We wish we didn’t need your support but the sad fact is that life in India can be tough. The stories that follow are hard to read but it’s important that you fully appreciate the impact your donation has, it truly can mean the difference between life and death.

A rocky start to life

Take Monali whose cries led to her being found hidden within some rocks in one of our outlying towns. At just two days old she had a deep wound on her cheek and her arm had been severely crushed. Fortunately, the people who found her knew of our work and took her to one of our volunteers who leapt into action, immediately seeking medical help for the infant.

The outlook was grim, her arm had become gangrenous and it was touch and go whether it would need to be amputated. Thanks to treatment from our team of local doctors who dedicate their services for free, the blood in her arm was drained just in time and the limb was saved. However, she still wasn’t out of the woods, having to spend a total of four weeks in hospital undergoing further surgeries on her face and her fingers which remain numb.

Meanwhile the police managed to track down her parents discovering she had been abandoned simply for being the third in a line of girls when all they wanted was a boy. They are currently being prosecuted and are facing prison terms for their crime.

Monali is now at our adoption center recovering well and a future with a caring family is guaranteed. On top of that, the volunteer involved in her rescue was so touched by her case that they have personally deposited Rs10,000 into a savings account for her.

Another of our babies currently waiting for adoption is Monika. Her mother was 12 when, after sustained abuse from a family relative aged 42, she became pregnant. Again the doctor who treated her knew of our work and brought her to our attention. We helped her through her pregnancy and birth offering her and her family counselling and support while discussing all the options for her baby. She is now safely back in school and protected from the predator who raped her.

Spreading the word

It really is thanks to your support that we are able to recruit and train the volunteers and professionals that are at the forefront of rescues like this. With your help we are also able to conduct regular outreach work to spread awareness of our service and have most recently been in Beed, one of our neighbouring districts. Following national outrage at the female foeticide taking place there, and with no services like ours available in the region, we reached out to doctors, nursing homes, hospitals and police stations to let them know that our doors are always open to those who need us.

A happy ending

While the babies we take in often have the most traumatic starts to life, we take comfort in knowing that there is a happily ever after awaiting them. The parents we find for them through the national adoption service are those who, like you, have chosen to make a difference. Ready with love and secure homes they spend time getting to know their new child though regular visits to our center as they await the outcome of the adoption process.

Like Priti and Ajay, who adopted Kavita seven months ago, they often chose to keep in contact with our team, celebrating their adopted child’s first birthday back in the place where they first laid eyes on them. It’s a real reward and privilege for us to be able to share this milestone and see how these youngsters’ lives have been transformed and their fates turned around. As Ajay acknowledges: “This is where we first saw Kavita and we have a real relationship with Snehlaya and the staff here. They are part of her extended family and it only feels right to celebrate her first birthday here with them. We want Kavita to grow up knowing that she is loved not only by us but by those who brought her into our lives.”

Thank you so much for what you bring to the party to transform the lives of these babies, we really couldn’t do this without you. 

Meenatai helps spread awareness of our service
Meenatai helps spread awareness of our service
Actor Atul Kulkarni joins an adoption ceremony
Actor Atul Kulkarni joins an adoption ceremony
Monali is well on the road to recovery
Monali is well on the road to recovery
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Organization Information

Snehalaya 'Home of Love'

Location: Ahmednagar, Maharashtra - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @snehalaya
Project Leader:
Joyce Connolly
epsom , Surrey United Kingdom

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