Training Effective Afghan Teachers

by Afghan Institute of Learning
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers

Project Report | Jul 18, 2019
Bonus Day Today! Teachers Trained in Panjshir

By Elizabeth Appleyard | Program Officer

Matching Funds available TODAY ONLY!

$100-499 donation 15% match/$500-749 donation 30% match/$750-1000 donation 50% match

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The Kabul office has been very busy. In May, they organized two Methodology Seminars for 80 teachers and two Reproductive Health Workshops for 79 women. All workshops were held in Panjshir Province.

The teacher training seminars were 10 days long. The teachers were mostly new hires who had never attended a teacher training event and were from secondary and high schools. Topics included: lesson plans, teaching methods, exams, grading, psychology, practicalities. The teachers used modern methods in the seminar such as group work, question and answer, games, role playing and research tasks. The teachers started out not even knowing how to make a lesson plan or set teaching objectives.

“I am Noorullah, teacher in a primary school. I graduated from the Teacher Training Institute and have taught Dari for two years.  I always wanted to be a teacher, but standing in front of the class for the first time I realized it is a hard job. I had many discipline problems in my classes. The classes were noisy and my colleagues insulted me. I started to hate the job and thought of leaving. The school principal suggested the seminar run by AIL. I learned a lot such as, how to keep control, relationships with the students and modern methods. Now I don’t need to leave the job and I can be a successful teacher.”

Thank you for your interest.


Recently, the Professor Sakena Yacoobi High School, Herat won an International School Award from the British Council. The awards go to schools that demonstrate a commitment to developing global citizens by embedding internationalism throughout the ethos and curriculum of the school. The Director of the British Council, Afghanistan said: “This globally recognized accreditation helps enrich learning & improve teaching by guiding international learning activities, from introducing international education into the curriculum to embedding it within school culture.”

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Organization Information

Afghan Institute of Learning

Location: Dearborn, Michigan - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @AIL_ngo
Project Leader:
Sakena Yacoobi
Founder & CEO
Dearborn , Michigan United States
$15,986 raised of $43,000 goal
247 donations
$27,014 to go
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