Training Effective Afghan Teachers

by Afghan Institute of Learning
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers
Training Effective Afghan Teachers

Project Report | Dec 24, 2021
Teacher Training Plan for 2022

By Elizabeth Appleyard | Program Administrator

The Afghan administration has instituted significant changes in the education system in Afghanistan. Local enforcement of new rules and procedures can vary and our staff are alert to what is required both nationally and locally.  One major change is the strict segregation of female and male, with students only taught by same gender teachers and no mixing in hallways, doorways or during recess and lunchtimes.

These changes mean we are shifting our teacher training program focus to training as many female teachers as we can to help bridge the gap in male vs female teacher numbers.  As previously reported, our teacher training program was restricted by Covid in 2021 and we were not able to train as many new teachers as we had hoped.

We now have in place a plan for 2022 that includes, 8 teacher training seminars which are 10 days long and will have 35 participants each. There will also be 16 mini teacher training workshops, which last a few hours and have 50 participants each.

In over 25 years of working in Afghanistan, AIL has always proved its ability to adapt to changing circumstances and to refocus its work as needed. These times are no different. We continue to do everything we can to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people in Afghanistan.

AIL Outreach 2021: 23,905 students, 18,132 PPE distributed, 6 health clinics, 50-bed Covid-19 hospital, 95,593 patient treatments, 59,888 health education, 13,050 food aid families served, 22 radio broadcasts daily, 8 hours of TV programs, 12 provinces reached. 

Your support makes all the difference! Thank you.

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Organization Information

Afghan Institute of Learning

Location: Dearborn, Michigan - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @AIL_ngo
Project Leader:
Sakena Yacoobi
Founder & CEO
Dearborn , Michigan United States
$15,986 raised of $43,000 goal
247 donations
$27,014 to go
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