Anti-racist education for a violence-free future

by Associacao Viva a Vida
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Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future
Anti-racist education for a violence-free future

Project Report | Jun 10, 2020
Art & Community Mobilization Report: Mar- June 20

By Cressida Evans | Consultant

Priscila wearing one of her a hand-painted masks
Priscila wearing one of her a hand-painted masks

Dear Viva a Vida Friends and Supporters,

First of all we hope you are all well and coping, as much as possible, with the global pandemic. Strange times indeed.   As you can imagine, a lot has changed since we last sent out our report, and we’d like to thank you once again for your incredible generosity over this difficult period. We understand that it may be more difficult for some of you to donate right now, but please remember good wishes and kind words are just as welcome!

The world has been taken by surprise, and we’ve all had to reinvent ourselves. Looking back over the last three months, we think our biggest success story has been how we’ve adapted to the pandemic and the new social isolation regime.

Like so many other civil society organizations Viva a Vida’s principal capital is… human. It is with and for humans that we are fighting and engaged in social justice. Normally we work in classrooms, communities, coalitions, with people, always with young people, on the street, involving a great deal of personal contact.

We entered social isolation on 18 March and spent that month thinking about how to re-organize our activities. Our current action plans were scheduled to run up to November 2020, so we gathered our forces and began to think about adapting them to digital content.

Youth workers, young people, the coordination team, consultants and our board all entered into dialogue to consider new strategies. We would like to highlight the strength of our beneficiaries and young assistants, who really began to think about new ways to access the community.

Since these meetings, we’ve been able to implement a series of activities that have gone very well. Viva a Vida has produced virtual content and continued to take Information, Reflection, Learning and Joy to Vila de Abrantes and is now reaching the more young people than ever across the whole state of Bahia!

HUMAN RIGHTS, RACISM AND YOUTH CLASSES: In May, June and July we will offer a sequence of six video classes and six live streaming events to debate these topics. In our first two classes, 359 people watched video classes through our Instagram account and 150 people participated in live debates with Youth Worker Marcos, focusing, among other issues on the antiracist movement and reminding young participants that their BLACK LIVES MATTER!

“I was so impressed with the quality of your content”,

Simone Alves, Educational Coordinator, State College of Vila de Abrantes

FRIDAY POETRY: Fridays have now got added color! 100 people have watched two poetry videos produced by young poets Thiago and Jessé and our Youth Worker Marcos – Brilliant!

“Fantastic! So good! Congratulations to him (Jessé) and to Viva a Vida”

Antonio, President of the State Forum to Eradicate Child Labor – FETIBA, Bahia 

LET’S DRAW! Young Assistant Marcio Davi, supported by young assistant Miqueias, is running live streamed drawing classes! Every Tuesday, new techniques are taught to 80 pupils. Classes will continue until July. Wonderful!

“I was really insecure, but I like doing the live streaming classes (online drawing classes), once again I’m getting over things in myself,”

Marcio Davi, Young Assistant on the #LivingTogetherSustainability project

We have established very important partnerships with PLAN International through a partnership agreement for activities in the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to see if we can sign a partnership agreement for the activities we are running collectively”

Sara Mabel, Technical Assistant of PLAN International, Brazil

We have been invited by the Child Protection Office to participate in debates, talking about our work and Human Rights.

“Viva a Vida has always been a great partner. Thank you for being with us during this campaign”

Edilene – Child Protection Office, Camaçari Coast Office

We have managed to strengthen the Vila de Abrantes network through the “Abrantes can count on us” group which we set up, to bring the Camaçari social care network together in activities to support the community (see more below on theCampaign to Combat Sexual Exploitation and Abuse against Children and Adolescents).

We have also joined the local Atados volunteer network from which we have found 10 volunteers to support our communication activities. The idea is to construct a marketing plan and improve our digital media content.

We are living through difficult times of isolation and sadness, and have requested and been approved for emergency aid from Global Fund for Children to address these issues. On 12 June we start the project “I discover myself in you: a caring intervention” in which 2 psychologists will set up self-care groups for our beneficiaries. The project is aimed at supporting young people’s mental health at this time, when they cannot fully access their usual emotional support tools, such as school and projects.

We know these are difficult days. But we are learning, above all, that there are young people, families and communities who cannot get by without our services and this has motivated us to produce and study, to produce again, to renew our energies and move forward.

The strength of our young people, their smiles, comments on social networks, audio messages, the setting up of a network, the visibility that our activities have gained, have all helped us to HAVE HOPE!

Thanks to your generous support, another essential activity that Viva a Vida has been involved in, is the CAMPAIGN TO COMBAT SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE AGAINST CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS – with the strap line: we take this subject seriously.

Through the “Abrantes can count on us” network, set up and coordinated by Viva a Vida, we have participated in a large campaign with some significant partners. Eight public and private institutions have carried out the following activities:

320 people participated in live streaming talks about Sexual Violence: the abuse and exploitation of children and adolescents, in partnership with Plan International, the local Specialized Reference Centre for Social Assistance and the local Program to Eradicate Child Labor;

2,000 facemasks distributed in two extremely vulnerable communities with the highest incidence of COVID-19; Viva a Vida’s young artist Priscila painted the campaign symbol on 100 masks;

“I put in a lot of love, so that everyone who gets one can feel good using it!” Priscila – Young Assistant on hand painting facemasks, one by one

A ‘sound system car’ drove around the community providing information about means of prevention and where to report violations related to sexual exploitation and abuse;

1,000 informative folders were donated to the local Child Projection Office containing information about means of prevention and where to report violations related to sexual exploitation and abuse;

Many thanks once again for your incredible support, enabling this important campaign to take place!

Final note – as we have nearly reached our GlobalGiving fundraising target, over the next few days, you will see that we have raised it to U$ 20,000.00 on the understanding that we will continue supporting at-risk youth at least for the rest of 2020 and hopefully into the years to come.


Community member receiving a mask donated by VAV
Community member receiving a mask donated by VAV
Jesse reciting his poetry
Jesse reciting his poetry
Thiago reciting his poetry
Thiago reciting his poetry
Distributing masks and info in the community
Distributing masks and info in the community
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Organization Information

Associacao Viva a Vida

Location: Camacari, Bahia - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Cressida Evans
Camacari , Bahia Brazil
$29,215 raised of $35,000 goal
608 donations
$5,785 to go
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