Project Report
| Jun 25, 2024
Sports and Music are Fun and Build Character
By Perrilee Pizzini | Project Manager
Outdoor Activities are Fun
Outdoor activities at the Early Childhood Education center are more important than ever. With new-found health and energy, children enjoy greater capacity to grow through sports and music. A new singing group has proven extremely popular. These fun pastimes also help divert children from unwholesome temptations of street life, like drugs.
When our team visited Kinyana Village to discuss these issues, they bought a new soccer ball as a gift.. It was the first time any children there had seen one, and it was a big surprise. They were so excited to play!
Also, we are exploring other sports activities that the children might enjoy. For example, basketball and volleyball are played in Rwandan high schools and would be easy to introduce. Our Field Manager even made outreach to a Karate Club who is interested in future collaboration.
New Singing Group
Field Manage at Karate Club
Mar 22, 2024
Soccer Unites Players and the Community
By Perrilee Pizzini | Project Manager
Blue Uniforms Look Smart!
The boys and girls play on soccer teams during special "Sport Day" activities on Saturdays. All gather for practice and the special balls from the USA are brought out for all to use. The balls are so soft on the feet compared to the balls of wound-up string that sometimes are used when there are no balls available! It is so much fun the players almost can't stop!
After the drills and the practice games, there are snacks including juice. Then the players join in for some voluntary community service. Sometimes they simply walk around and pick up rocks from the soccer field. Sometimes, they help elderly people in the village with projects to improve their welfare. Recently, the team helped carry mud bricks to the building site of a new toilet out-house facility for one of the Villge elders whose helath did not permit them participating in the construction. The players are good workers, and when everyone helps out, the job is so much easier!
Learning to work together boith on and off the soccer filed helps build teamwork and cooperation and is one of the big success of the physical educaiton component of the overall community development work.Soccer balls are a key to help grow strong bodies and strong principles of goodwill.
Thank you for making this learning activity available for the Village children!
Jan 7, 2024
Kwibanda HDI December 2023
By Perrilee Pizzini | Project Manager
The donors have been very generous throughout 2023. Thank you to all of you, it has made it possible for many improvements to happen. The Batwa community has taken responsibility for much of the physical labor to build the new toilets for the community. HDI and PSA donors have supported purchasing the supplies needed for building all of the toilets, concrete, metal roofs, wood, and fasteners. Early in 2023 rain barrels, metal sheets, and jerry cans were given to the community, and rain gutters were installed by the carpenters in the community, Making it much easier for everyone to have water for all their needs, the community decided to renovate one of the water tanks that had been damaged years ago, and Patching it and setting it up for rain catchment meant; they had water through much of the dry season. Now there is movement towards patching another of the broken tanks and setting it up near Irerero preschool so there is more water for daily use. Both the new toilets and better access to water have made it easier for everyone to practice better hygiene.
HDI continues to add classes on health, sanitation, education, and cultural activities, at Cyaruzinge Village.
Please open the attachment, highlighting HDI through 2023