Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives

by Mayor Potencial
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives
Build a Health Clinic to Change Lives


This health clinic will provide the much needed free medical and dental care as well as free medications. Currently the nearest hospital is 4 hours away in Tegucigalpa. Through the construction of this free clinic we will provide services not only to El Rodeito but to all the nearby communities.

total goal
monthly donors


The nearest local public hospital is in Tegucigalpa about 4 hours away or the other smaller hospital is in Choluteca about 3 hours away. Additionally, the public hospital in Tegucigalpa is unable to attend to patients as needed. They continuously have an overflow of patients lining up outside the hospital waiting to be seen. People in need of care have to wait for days to be treated at the emergency room.


Building a local health clinic will help treat patients in the southern region of Honduras. El Rodeito and all the nearby communities will be able to receive free care and medications.

Long-Term Impact

The free local clinic will be able to treat on average 400 patients per week. Through our partnerships with other organizations, we will be able to bring specialists to this area, we hope to provide education and resources to the community to prevent treatable illnesses.


Organization Information

Mayor Potencial

Location: Marathon, NY - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @mayorpotencial
Project Leader:
Nancy Bell
Freeville , NY United States

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